Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Dedicated Poems

Dedicated Poems
Suddenly, a magical poetry selection event is taking place on the Colossus! As one of the judges, whose poetry do you prefer?

Boy and Girl

Boy and Girl
You ask the Keating Choir which are the boys and which are the girls, but the quartet will only tell you if you pass their test.

Keating Flower Prank

Keating Flower Prank
While Schwartz was resting, Keating stuck a flower in his ear as a prank. A fuming Schwartz wants you to deal with this, and a special investigation is born out of the joint effort...

The Weight of Words

The Weight of Words
You take the initiative to persuade the Keating Choir to mind their speaking manners. Sensing how hard you are trying, the children are touched enough to still reject you.

The Forbidden Grimoire

The Forbidden Grimoire
A grimoire of the dark arts falls into Keating's unwitting hands, and upon its very last page lies an alchemical incantation of unspeakably outrageous dread. And so, Keating gathers all of the necessary materials and embarks on their first foray into forbidden alchemy...