Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here
Mayu Mineda & Mutsumi Tamura

Tap on the Colossus Room

- It's only a little... - But still, we are proud! - Our feet on the ground. - With our heads in the clouds!

- Have they seen the Truth? - With their blindfolded eyes?

White Night up high♪

- Trash meets trash♪ - Toads on toads♪

- Hasn't Carleen taught you a lesson? - Haven't learned your lesson? - It was such a lesson!

- Our dearest friend. - Who teaches us well. - To be gentle and kind. - As to say farewell!.

- Don't be so conceited, - Be a bit more conscious. - Can't you? Won't you?

- The useless Adults, - Can't they see themselves in the mirror? - Can't they see themselves for who they are?

- Is this your Colossus? - So towering? - And so pale?

Interact with the Colossus Room

- Has the rain stopped? - Has the sun peeked out from behind the clouds? - Can you function again?

Change Assistant

- Let us sing? - You're overthinking it. - Wonderful.

Battle Failed

- Go home! - Go home! - Head home empty-handed!


- Haven't you learned your lesson? - It was such a lesson!

Unleash Chain Combos

How boring♪

How funny♪

Active Skill is Ready

Oh, you can't wait?

Enter the Formation

Want us in your choir?

Aurorian Ascension I

Adults are to be sung more often.

Aurorian Ascension II

Until they are all gone♪

Aurorian Ascension III

- Pierce through them, - Crush their souls!


- A boring place - Full of boring nobles, - How do they kill time♪ - Better to sleep♪

Upgrade Successful

We are our own captain♪

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars♪

- Happy New Year♪ - Have a great one♪

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

- Why is the Colossus in such a hurry? - Because if the Master Navigator's late, - The free food's gonna get cold♪

- Oh♪ - Ye elegant and magnificent Navigator♪ - Don't bow your head♪ - Your bald spot is - Starting to spread♪

- You're here to see us again. - Again! - Look how you're loafing around. - You must still be single! You're single, huh?

- Greatly cared by the nobles, treasured in their hands! - But couldn't give it away, -Oh, shameless, so shameless you are♪

- Oh! - You vile, disgusting things! ♪ - Our dearest opponents... ♪ - We'll stomp you like the bugs you are! ♪

- Why care so much? - Why in such a hurry? - We are but passers-by♪ Their guides to Hell♪

- People of the Dawn Academy♪ - Everyone a moron♪ - But the nobles of Lumopolis♪ - Even more foolish than a moron♪

- The taller you grow, - The fooler you are♪ - The older you get, the dumber you'll be♪ - But don't you fret, for you are young and short♪

- Oh♪ - The nobles are boring♪ - They're nothing like you♪ - So cute and innocent♪ - Don't forget, brainless too♪

- Haven't you heard enough? - You enjoy it this much?

- If you've got nothing to do♪ - Why not shave your head♪ - Shave it clean♪ - You'll sleep cooler in bed♪

- Four legs from afar. - Two legs up close. - What are you, Master Navigator? - A real messy bunch!

- Happy New Year♪ - Have a great one♪

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

- You again! - You're back again! - Still alive and kickin'.

- The earlier you wake. - The faster you bald. - Why not rest some more? - Why so diligent?

- You come. - You go. - But your face. - Is the same as before!

- What keeps you up at night? - Is it will? - Or is it insomnia?

Spring Festival Voice

- Happy New Year♪ - Have a great one♪

Obtain an Aurorian

- Dearest friend. - From Lumopolis, we hail. - Sweet are our lips, - Our words, as well. - That they are!

Receiving a gift

- A gift from you? - If you call this a gift.

- You chose such a gift? - Really?

Receiving a preferred gift

- Now that's a gift! - That's a gift!

- You tried so hard, - Appreciations are in order!

Release Active Skill

- Oh♪ - The ballads of black and white♪

- Above its tombstones♪ - They soar♪


Then let us sing!

Aurorian Trivia I

- The nobles♪ - Corrupted♪ - Stupid♪ - Boring♪ - Their meaningless drivel leaves everyone snoring!

Aurorian Trivia II

- A fierce battle, - A show of powerful sparring tactics. - Fight like roosters on the battlefield!

Aurorian Trivia III

- Pierre is always smiling, - Dian will be a knight so strong, - Kara is our protector, - Niel reads all day long. - Still can't tell the difference?

The Captain's Entrance

- Oh, - That moron over there♪ - How ugly you are♪