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His Experiences

Roaring Darkness, real name Seleucid, is the best fighter in Umbraton. The violent brawler loves to let brute force do the talking and it's said that he likes to get into fights with others... Although he is quite insolent, he does listen to reason, a very uncommon quality in Lumopolis.
It's said that he came to this ship under orders. If you ask me, Seleucid is completely unsuitable to be a spy. I guess he asked for this mission because he heard rumors that many powerful people gather here...
Never mind, Seleucid has been behaving himself so far and even gives way obediently when he encounters the nobles of Lumopolis. Maybe Seleucid is here to search for something instead of spying. He's been mumbling something about a helmet recently... Maybe it has something to do with his Seleucid head?

His Story (I)

Peace, a very distant word. It seems like the boss here hasn't wandered on the wasteland before. You must know, during the Second Darkover Crisis, the world was in chaos without any rule or order! No order!
The Eclipsites ruined the lives of many, including me. If not for them, I would have been living in Zeda and might even have inherited the mantle of my family. However, those cursed Eclipsites ruined everything. Fortunately, I still have this great sword, which was forged for me by the Coalition.
I always feel like the Battle of Rosetta took place decades ago while it has only been ten years. Why do I feel like it was so long ago? The world is still under the impact of the Second Darkover Crisis, and the Eclipsites still roam about. I don't think of Zeda anymore. It'll be nice if I can just live peacefully in this dark Umbraton.

His Story (II)

Boss, we should be safe from the Eclipsites with this Colossus here, right? Maybe Zeda's fate would have been different if it had this during the Second Darkover Crisis.
Zeda wasn't a large town, but it was known for its hustle and bustle in the region—my parents were even some kind of nobles there. However, the Eclipsites changed everything...
After that, we lived the life of drifters for several years. My parents always reminded me that I was the last member of the Gray family... Hah, even noble families became beggars and robbers. We had nothing and had to fight fiercely for food and water.
But we didn't live that way for very long as the Eclipsites that escaped from the battle at Gold River Valley killed my parents. Fortunately, they managed to raise me before they were killed, giving me the chance to avenge their death.

His Story (III)

Okay, boss, you can stop being curious about my leopard head now. I already told you it's just a helmet... Are you trying to take my head off? Just give up, because you won't be able to.
Maybe it was because of my great hatred and thirst for power that I got the opportunity to discover this helmet. It granted me strength and this face at the same time. Perhaps it's a magical curse of some sort, but it isn't a big deal since I never really cared about my face anyway. Or it's just been so long that I've forgotten what I used to look like...
After that, my boss—I mean Istvan—invited me to join the coalition. I hated the Eclipsites, but I didn't want to join them at first because I was too used to my life of wandering. Later, with my courage boosted by this helmet, I challenged him to a fight. I'm sure you can guess what happened next. I was crushed! So I agreed to come to Umbraton.
But now, I think this place is great. Why? Spending time with the mighty and powerful is better than anything!