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Her Experiences

Tweety, like Commander Hiiro, hails from Cloud Mountain in the Far East and currently works for the Northland Division of the Courier Union. However, unlike Hiiro, Tweety is a pure, adorable, and enthusiastic little girl. Ah! I didn't mean to say that Commander Hiiro isn't cute, of course...
Anyway, upon first meeting Tweety, you may find it difficult to understand her accent. But her optimism is infectious, and she is sure to win you over. After a while, you might even find yourself unconsciouswy imitating her accent... Ahem... All in all, Tweety loves the snow, but she's like a warm ray of sunshine, bringing joy to everyone around her... And if she asks you to have a snowball fight with her, think twice before saying yes!

Her Story (I)

Navi-Navi-Navigator! Wanna hear my special intwoduction to Cwoud Mountain? Leave it aww to me—a native Cwoud Mountainer, thwough and thwough!
Located in the Far East is a place knews as a hidden tweasure of Eastern wisdom—my hometown, Cwoud Mountain! It's the best! Why? Because the gods protect this place! You can tell 'cos you warely see any Eclipsites on Cwoud Mountain! Awesome, wight? Cwoud Mountain has the puwest snow and the most beautiful Cwoud Bwossom imaginable. I absowutely love Cwoud Bwossom! Cwoud Bwossom is a flower unique to Cwoud Mountain, and awthough it's always snowing on Cwoud Mountain, our hearts are warm, all year round! That's wight! And we have the best hot spwings! After a busy day's works, soak in the hot spwings, and look up at the dewicate snow and Cwoud Bwossom dancing in the air... It's comfy enough to bwing anyone to tears!
I'm going to tell you a secwet, %s... If you wanna see the pwetty views I just said, come and stay at the Cwoud Bwossom Hotel! I'm not saying that 'cos I work there, weally!

Her Story (II)

My pawents twavels awound a lot to make ends meet, so they leaves me with Gwammy. Thanks to Gwammy, I gwew up healthy and happy. Although Gwammy's just a neighbor, not my welative, she is iwwepwaceable in my heart, so I go back to Cwoud Mountain evewy holiday to help Gwammy look after the hotel. Yeah—the Cwoud Bwossom Hotel!
I'm pwomoting the hotel again? Okay, okay, sowwy, %s—but I do hope more Aurorians visit Cwoud Bwossom Hotel... Ah, but then Gwammy might get too busy... But that's awwight! If that happens, I can go back and help! But if I ask for leave to go back, maybe Gwammy will compwain about me not being wesponsible for my work... It's hard to make a decision! What do you think, %s?

Her Story (III)

Huh? How did I end up here? Actuawwy, my pawents cames here to work for the Couwier Union when I was weally little. My pawents felts they shouldn't keep bothewing Gwammy to look after me, so they gots me a job with the Couwier Union's Northwand Division. Although living with Gwammy is the best, I didn't want to cause Gwammy any more twouble... So, that's why I came here.
But I quickwy made a lot of good fwiends at the Couwier Union! I study, eat, and sleep with aww those new fwiends evewy day. Those will always be my most pwecious memowies. But back then, I still didn't know why evewyone there wanted to become a couwier. One day, a senior couwier named Nawoxel came to the Northwand Division and shared wonderful stowies about the couwier life. I looked at the senior couwier and said to myself, "One day, I will be an awesome couwier, too!"

Her Story (IV)

I was excited about the idea of becoming a couwier and began to study hard, too. My talented fwends passed the exam and became couwiers weally quick, while I tried nearwy thwee years and still couldn't pass! One weason I couldn't pass was my accent, I guess. I'm working hard evewy day to fix my accent, but why doesn't it seem to be impwoving? Each time I take an exam, I say one word and evewyone waughs. However, I bewieve a couwier not only should deliver letters, but happiness. If evewyone is happy, I feel happy. Later, the senior couwier tolds me that a bwilliant couwier shouldn't let their dweam die just because of their accent. After that, I passed the exam and became a weal couwier! But I can't stop there. I can't let the senior couwier and evewyone else down... So, %s—can you pwease help to cowwect my accent?