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Her Experiences

Look at Leah's short, soft, fluffy hair, her clear eyes, and her figure. If I didn't hear her voice, I would have taken her for an attractive young man!
She always comes off a bit flustered, though. I remember when I first met her, she covered herself in a layer of steam while fumbling to introduce herself. It was so cute!
Now, even though the Colossus has a heating system to keep us fairly warm in the winter, I'm concerned about how little she wears...

Her Story (I)

How are you, Navigator... My name is Leah. I... I'm sorry, I'm not good at talking, I hope I won't... bore you.
I... am a patroller in Northland. My daily duty involves patrolling the essential routes with the Breath of Spring... What is the Breath of Spring? Oh, it's this staff in my hand. My parents left it to me before they passed away. It was also that year... her Majesty the Queen bestowed the Staff of Spring to me and with it... I inherited my parents' duty and became the new patroller.
I think they wanted me... to continue to bring peace to everyone, though I'm still not quite sure how to do that specifically. Also, life as a patroller is somewhat bland... But it is the choice I made and I don't think... I'll regret it.

Her Story (II)

Have you ever seen the snowfield in Northland, Navigator? My favorite sight... long stretches of pure white... A mere glance calms my heart and mind...
I would patrol my routes in the snowfield of Northland every day... enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. Oh... also... sitting on the snowfield and zoning out, too. That was my guilty pleasure on the job...
I-I actually would love to have you sitting on the snowfield and zoning out with me under the sun... Cold? I-I don't think so, but... I'm not sensitive to the cold, so it actually might be cold? Don't worry... the steam from the Staff of Spring will keep you warm... And it will protect you, too.
S-So, would you like to go with me?

Her Story (III)

About my life now? Well... before I got to the Colossus, I was already used to patrolling on the snowfield every day... It started off pretty boring, since I could do nothing other than walk around, zone out, and soak in the sunshine...
B-but then... I often ran into travelers from other parts of the continent, and they would tell me about their journeys... That was when I found out... there were other seasons besides winter. I love the peaceful, serene, and immaculate winter in Northland... But after hearing those stories, I got very curious... about the flowing streams, the pitter-patter of raindrops... and the changing colors of the different seasons. That really piqued my interest. I think... that now, I have a chance to see spring, right?