Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Maaya Uchida

Tap on the Colossus Room

With vast patches of snow and warm sunlight, it's such a reassuring place...

There should be spring up in that big, white city, right?

For the North...

Those invaders who killed my innocent parents... I'll never forgive them.

Noah and I often exchange thoughts about how the idea of temperature confuses us... Is it weird?

Her Majesty had granted me with choices, so I decided to continue the work of my parents.

Peaceful spring, a quiet patch of snow, and a place for me to let my mind wander...

If you must know, it's noisy places... They make me nervous.

It's as white as snow... There are too many people here but I'll try my best to get used to it...

Interact with the Colossus Room

It... It's a little noisy over there... I'm not used to it...

Change Assistant

M-me? I-I'm a little nervous about facing so many people for the first time... But I'll do my best.

Battle Failed

It's my fault that you got hurt... I'm sorry...


I... I did it!

Unleash Chain Combos

Steam... Spread!

Steam... Evaporate!

Active Skill is Ready

Spring, stand by!

Enter the Formation

I'm a little nervous...

Aurorian Ascension I

Is this... What "spring" feels like?

Aurorian Ascension II

I can better protect you all this way.


C-can I stay here by myself? It'd be fine if I zone out a bit here, right...

Upgrade Successful

Is this... power?

Voice Login

Alchemy... Stars...

I wish you good luck in the year ahead, gentle one...

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Everyone at the Colossus is so gentle. Nobody minds it that I space out a lot...

Why do I have short hair? There's nothing special behind it. I just find it easier to manage...

I'm just not much of a talker. It's not that I don't want to talk, or that I'm angry or anything...

D-don't be afraid of the steam. It'll protect you...

I love the Staff of Spring, and spring itself... What about you?

H-have you been here all along? I appreciate that but I'd like to have some alone time now...

You... you know that I can't feel cold but you still care about me... It's so nice of you.

I'm sorry! Did I zone out? It's because I feel comfortable when I'm with you...

Water... It's a gentle being that protects me, just like my parents...

Nice air... W-why don't you sit on the snow and zone out with me?...

I'm not cold. I'm fine... But what does it feel like... To be "cold"?

I wish you good luck in the year ahead, gentle one...

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Just getting ready to go on patrol. I wasn't dozing off or anything...

I get up early every day because I need to go on patrol. But you get up early, too...

It's almost break time, isn't it?

I'm used to living like this, but you should rest...

Spring Festival Voice

I wish you good luck in the year ahead, gentle one...

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Leah. I'm a patroller in the Northland... I'm sorry, what should I say to someone I just met?

Receiving a gift

It's a gift for me... Um, thanks.

What a thoughtful gift...

Receiving a preferred gift

I'm a little surprised...

What should I say when I feel happy?

Release Active Skill

The breath of spring!

Feel the gentle power...!


The steam is ready.

Aurorian Trivia I

I took the Staff of Spring that Her Majesty offered me, and continued the work left by my parents... It's not about destiny, it's... It's just something I have to do.

Aurorian Trivia II

The frozen kingdom of Northland... The crisp air, the gentle sunshine, and the vast fields of snow where I would lose myself in thought... That's my favorite place in the world.

The Captain's Entrance

Ca-can I?