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Her Experiences

Objectively speaking, I've seen many people who animals like, but I don't think this is sufficient to describe the case of Ms. Kafka... All the animals on the Colossus seem to appear out of nowhere to see her. It's completely unreal! Meanwhile, our Ms. Kafka, who has dark circles under her eyes, keeps walking carefully to avoid them while cursing these fluffy little fellows.
"Hey! Can someone give me a quieter room?! And someone please get these animals out!" However, when %s tried to chase them away, Ms. Kafka gave a cold looked and said: "When did I ask you do to that?!"
Hmm, Ms. Kafka seems to be a good person...

Her Story (I)

I already told you not to bother me while I'm sleeping! What is it? Do you want me to shoot you?! What? Franz got lost, and you brought it back? Aha, no wonder I couldn't find him... I'll forgive you then.
Is there anything else? If not, leave now! What? You want me to take the night shift tonight? Whether it's that giant lizard or this big guy, why is there no one reliable here?! Okay, okay! I get it! I already have a layer of dark circles under my eyes anyway... Can you leave now? You know I hate being woken up. If you didn't know that before—well, now you know!

Her Story (II)

Are you curious about my gun? There's a story behind it. My father dug it out from under a certain ruin back then when he was chasing after those guys... Hmm, this was one amazing fella alright, though I don't really understand how it works exactly. All you need to know is that I can send all the Eclipsites to heaven with it! Hahaha! I should be the only person who can use it. Its name? I won't tell you since you won't remember it anyway! Yes, it is called an electromagnetic gun, but it has nothing to do with that girl who uses coins! Having said that, although we're called the Revolver Gang, my gun has nothing to do with revolvers...
Is Franz useful in battle? Useful or not, I'm happy as long as he doesn't run over and rub himself against me when I'm fighting...

Her Story (III)

I wouldn't have joined any organization if it wasn't for that lizard who just didn't know when to call it quits! I don't want to join any organization! But I can't help it because I have no home to return to, and I actually think that giant lizard is quite cute... Hey, I didn't say anything! Don't ask me about it!
Actually, part of the reason I stayed was that the boss was crying and begging me to stay. He said no one could assume shadow duty because everyone on this giant lizard is too frivolous, so I had to do it... I finally agreed only because she cried so hideously... What? You don't believe she cried? She did if I said she did. What's with the questioning? Want me to shoot you?!

Her Story (IV)

The "chairman of animal protection"? Where did you hear that from? It must be the guys on that giant lizard! Damn! They must be tired of living!
What are you looking at me for? Although I always give snacks to Kuma and Pengy, it's because I have too many snacks that I can't finish! Losing weight is also a form of combat!
...You saw me playing with a cat yesterday? Forget everything you saw immediately unless you want me to kill you now! Do it! Now!