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His Experiences

Mr. Brock? No, no, how could he possibly be left out? He's the best thing since sliced bread in the Colossus! Honestly, before he came along, I didn't believe there would be such a shining beacon on this waste of land. His dedication to jumping squats alone beats that of 99% of everybody in the Colossus... Nope, make that the whole damn continent. Not only that, Mr. Brock is the earliest to rise on the Colossus, always starting with 500 push-ups on the top. Listening to his clickety-clack footsteps in the hallway gets me excited and pumped!
Maybe because he's always so on-the-go, Mr. Brock is sometimes a bit absent-minded, knocking over stuff in the hallway. But that's a nitpick compared to how much energy and passion he inspires. However, if he must knock over things, I do hope he would aim for the cheaper objects.

His Story (I)

You're the one who operates the Colossus? You look so young! So how about sparring with me? Oh, yeah, sorry about that, rude of me to not introduce myself. I'm Brock, the most popular dude in Rediesel Wrench and its undisputed champion of intelligence, leadership, might, and sanitation duties! What about you? Are you the undisputed champ of intelligence, leadership, might, and sanitation duties on the Colossus? What, you don't fight for any of that here? What a letdown... Might as well, since I'd prove to be the undisputed champ here too if we did, and that would only hurt everyone's feelings. But if you ever want to test your mettle, look me up anytime and I'll provide the lesson!

His Story (II)

The Rediesel Wrench? That's the most fun place in the land. it's got food, drink, Colossus, bikes, wrenches... Everybody just eats, sleeps, shoots guns and brawls. When the Eclipsites come in swarms, we raise hell on them! There ain't another place like it anywhere! It's a shame that even though I could take on the Eclipsites all by myself, everyone would dog-pile even when there's only one Eclipsite and beat the tar out of it... I mean, I get it, I can't stand out all the time or people would get jealous. Gotta give other people a chance so we can eat, sleep, shoot guns and brawl in harmony, ain't that right?

His Story (III)

Sinsa? He's still my boss for now—emphasis on "for now"—because I'm sure to beat him soon, which will make me his boss. To date, I'm 728 and 0 with 3 draws against him... How come he's still the boss even though I beat him 700+ times? Because he cheated! Oh, uh, I got it confused, that's his record against me. Sorry for the flub. But that's okay, all it takes is one win! I'll get him eventually, just once, and I'll have proven myself! What do you mean Sinsa's 728 victories already proved something about me? I only lost 728 times, that doesn't prove anything! That reminds me, Navigator of the Colossus, any spot to lay traps around here? I want to set Sinsa up for an ambush when he comes, and I won't blow it this time! Do you like protein powder? I can share it with you in exchange. It's my own secret formula. You'll be as strong as me after taking it!

His Story (IV)

As for my hobby, it's collecting sneakers. I try to get the newest Lumopolis and Umbraton releases every year! But because of financial constraints, I could only afford one pair... What a shame. I even asked if I could buy the left shoe of one version and the right of another. I mean, that's still a pair, just one each of two different makes. So guess how that went? The owner threw me out of the store. Really, do you think that was too much to ask for? Buying a shoe from different labels so you can wear two brands at once is bloody creative! I was interested in the red Jordon Special and the yellow Kobee Retro. It would've been awesome pairing to have one on each foot! Too bad the owner didn't get it, but I forgive him because true genius cannot be understood.
Hey, does your Colossus have feet? Our Bopper got pretty big ones, and I've always wanted to find sneakers for it so it will look cool running in the desert. But once again, Honcho Sinsa and others in the Rediesel Wrench disagreed with me... Say, how about I get a pair for your Colossus? I'll tie the laces!