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Their Experiences

We welcomed another unusual guest to the Colossus... Or should I say, maid? Or maybe a quartet of maids?
When %s and I first set off to greet her/them, we saw a girl in maid costume cleaning the bridge. To be honest, it was the first time that the floor seemed clean enough to eat off of. Then another girl with a mechanical broom came over, measured us up and down, put the broom down, curtsied, and resumed sweeping...
I could tell %s was thinking the same thing I was... Just which one is the Lilliam listed on the dossier? And in the nursery pod they're always guarding seemed to be yet another girl...
Guess there's still a lot of details to sort out.

Their Story (I)

Verifying command. Passed. Master, I am Lilliam No. 1 and we will be serving you from today onwards.
Answering question. I have no way to change my settings even if you tell me it isn't necessary to call you master. If you don't want me to call you like this, I can call you a name you like. Statement. Other special names are also acceptable. Lilliam is a professional maid and won't judge you no matter what. Answering question. Reply. Nothing special? I thought you would have some special preferences. Maybe I was overthinking things.
Answering question. Reply. Lilliam isn't disappointed at all. I don't have any unnecessary expressions because I'm a professional maid. Yes, you misread my expression.

Their Story (II)

Target determination. Colossus Navigator. New master. Verifying command. Passed. Answering question. Reply. The other Lilliams can also speak, too. However, based on the results of our previous survey, No. 2 speaks too casually to the master and isn't professional enough as a maid. No. 3 doesn't like to talk and has been criticized for being more like a cleaning robot than a maid. No. 4 isn't very polite and always questions the master. Summary. Reply. Comprehensive consideration. No. 1 is perfect in terms of being a maid or protecting the master. It is the best decision to let me speak on behalf of other Lilliams.
Answering question. Reply. I don't have a casual attitude setting. If you wish, I can summon No. 2.

Their Story (III)

Oh! Is that you, master? I'm Lilliam No. 2. No. 1 isn't feeling well, so I'll be serving you in her place today! Speaking of it, this is my first time speaking to you! Although No. 1 is more careful and meticulous than me, she's so rigid... She doesn't even know how to joke and is truly a little boring!
Oh? Our relationship? Hmm... I guess we're like sisters? When I was awakened, I didn't remember anything other than my name, Lilin... I forgot my age, identity, or where I used to live. No. 1, who woke up a few years earlier, seems to know more about our identity than me. She told me my identity and name, as well as the mission we must never forget—to protect and awaken our main body.
Huh? You want to know about our main body? It looks like you know nothing about that yet, but it's a little troublesome for me to explain it to you... If you want to know, ask No. 1 about it next time.

Their Story (IV)

Master, confirmed. Command verified. Situation determined. Chat, describe, reply. Do you want to ask me about our main body today? It seems like you had a long chat with No. 2 last time.
Statement. Explanation. Our main body is the girl sleeping in the huge nursery pod that Lilliam is always carrying. That's our true master. Our mission is to keep her alive, protect her, and wake her. No. 1 and No. 2 are responsible for protecting her, while No. 3 and No. 4 are responsible for finding a way to wake her. Thus they are always out and about, which is why you rarely see them. There is no information about what to do after waking up our master in my memory as that is not my duty.
Answering question. Reply. Lilliam can't perceive doubts, but doubts naturally exist. What is our ultimate destiny? Is it still necessary for Lilliam to exist after our master is awakened? The answers to these questions cannot be found in Lilliam's program. No matter what, we can't disobey our order to accomplish our mission.