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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Potent Healer whose Active resets upon entering Aurora Time.




+Potentially the best overall healing output in the game, depending on number of Aurora Times triggered

+Provides damage utility even in situations where no healing is required (due to Enhanced tiles)


-Enhanced tile generation is sometimes rendered useless by random placement

-Dedicated healing often comes at the cost of significant DPR; you'll often rather prioritize damage over heals.


Uriah has a high potential ceiling for a healer, given how much she can spam her Active in Aurora Times. However, she is otherwise bog standard. Bog standard in her case means a low CD active heal that has other potential utility, though, so is it really that bad? Given that healing is sometimes required for specific maps, this means that Uriah is probably going to be raised regardless; you really shouldn't mind, as she has a good shell for it, even in a vacuum.