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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with high damage floor but low ceiling.




+Permanent flat ATK buff, the strongest kind of buff in the game

+Normals hit like a freight train

+Incredibly consistent even on low-end teams with little or no conversion


-Middling chain combo and conditional active hamstring her damage potential on most multi-tile content

-Competes with Tessa on low-end teams for Captain slot

-Most of Active’s utility is lost when bossing, most of normal’s damage is lost when mobbing


Sadie is bizarre, to say the least. She’s got access to some very overpowered effects (an effective base ATK of 4055 at max, a normal attack amp, and some nifty active nuking), but there are a lot of caveats that prevent her from seeing real meta use. However, these restrictions are less crippling than many people think, and most of what holds Sadie back is only relevant on fully-built accounts which can guarantee 5+ contact tiles on 2x2 enemies when bursting. For players with weaker converter cores (i.e. no SS-tier converters), and on most 1x1 content, Sadie is actually pretty comparable to the majority of S-tier, and may in fact have better minimum damage because she doesn’t need many contact tiles to get fully going. In this regard, she’s pretty comparable to Tessa (who she competes with for F2P captain all-star), and she has a lot of utility on secondary or tertiary teams for high-level accounts.