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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


4 tile converter with strong crowd control




+Preemptive conversion is vital

+Functional detonator type chain combo

+Fright can be useful both offensively and defensively


-– Random fright can be of hindrance at times


Fright can be a powerful tool for preventing enemy attacks. It even breaks some enemy mechanics. However, Faust’s fright cannot be controlled, and random fright can have a nasty tendency to unpredictably change enemy behavior for the worse. That said, Fire's mobility is good enough now that chasing enemies isn't really a problem. In any event, Faust is a pre-emptive converter — which means that by default, he’s going to be a great pick.

Note: Most of the Preemptive 4-tile, 2-CD converters should be viewed as a staple for the purpose of the early- and mid-game, while endgame content favors multiple teams. Other converters often require BTs to get Pre-emptive and/or an acceptable CD.