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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Cross Converter.



(A at BT2)

(SS at MBT)


+At max BT: Preemptive conversion is vital

+Cross conversion generates a lot of tiles, at minimum


-Awful CD without BT2

-The actual pattern of cross conversion is awkward for high-damage set-ups without other forms conversion or some RNG

-Irrelevant equipment

-Sniper chain combo limits her DPR compared to the other cross-converters


Cross converters are radically different based on if you have obtained Max Breakthroughs (MBTs) or not. When not fully maxed, they're clunky (if serviceable) options for large amounts of tile generation, similar to Raphael or Uriel. The BT0 cooldown effectively prevents you from getting to use them more than once on a normal 10-turn level, so even BT2 can be a pretty significant upgrade.

However, once you MBT them, they are arguably the best units in the game and have a staple slot on basically any team that demands high tile count. While the four-tile converters should carry you through 99% of the game, MBT Cross Converters should be a long term goal, as they simplify most content once obtained.

Nemesis... if she wasn't a cross converter, she'd be downright bad. Her gimmick buff on most fights are very sub par, her sniper chain is a liability in the stages when you most need damage, and she doesn't even use her chuuni buster blader sword in her animations. That said, cross conversion carries her kicking and screaming into SS tier once maxed, so it's mostly moot.