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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Mobbing specialist Detonator.



(A- without Refinements)


+Huge AoE nuke (and the only global knockback in the game)

+Can pull out surprisingly huge Chain combo damage numbers with her Equipment at close range

+Powerful raw attack buff at close range

+Refinement significantly improves her overall performance


-Weak base chain damage without refinements (to balance her Equipment out)

-Active is Sniper type (greatly weakening its possible damage output despite her Equipment)

-Non selective knockback is often a detriment in certain comps

-Really high CD without MBT

-Chain requirements are very high with no way to substantially reduce them, greatly hampering her mobbing value


Regina is a bizarre character to evaluate. Her effects seem like they should be powerful, due to how massive her AoE and her Equipment is, but she has all these balancing factors to prevent her from getting out of hand. The end result is that she's in a decent position, but finicky to play around with...

…that said, her buffs and Refinements make her significantly better in every regard. The chain buffs, attack buffs, and cluster requirements go down significantly, which makes her chain fairly powerful even in practical scenarios. And while her active is still not great, it’s significantly better than it was before these buffs. She’s effectively a poor man’s Lenore with proper investment – though it’s still debatable if that’s worth the incredibly expensive Refinement materials involved.