Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Ayane Sakura & Aya Uchida

Tap on the Colossus Room

- How do I feel about the Illumina? I don't feel anything about it because I know nothing about the place. - Unity is what makes the Illumina special.

- I like Umbraton more than Lumopolis. It's not so much about being cosmetic there. - For once, I agree with you.

Splendor Illumina!

- General Barton is quite gallant. - I'm going to be just like him!

- White Dwarf? One boring fellow. - Everyone's different.

- I like fighting and winning! - I like winning, too.

- Only cowards fight dirty! - They have no dignity to speak of.

- What a big fellow! He must be powerful! - I'm so blown away seeing this legacy of the past for myself.

Interact with the Colossus Room

- Hmm? You wanted to see me or her? - Can I help you?

Change Assistant

- Is there a fight for me to get into?! - It's just normal duty.

Battle Failed

- It burns me! - We're lucky to still be alive.


- Piece of cake! - Mission accomplished.

Unleash Chain Combos



Active Skill is Ready

Let's wreak some havoc!

Enter the Formation

Roger that!

Aurorian Ascension I

I've become stronger!

Aurorian Ascension II

It's a very reasonable decision.

Aurorian Ascension III

- Perfect! - Super perfect!


- I'm so bored! - Just be quiet.

Upgrade Successful

Good. Buck up!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

- Happy New Year! - Best wishes for the coming year. - Stop taking my lines!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

- Who are Caelestites? - They are a race different from the Aurorians.

- Are Caelestites good at fighting? - I don't think so.

- Listen up. This side of the line is my territory! - How dumb!

- I'm getting closer to defeating you. - You're not the only one who's improving, nerd.

- Honestly, I'm not interested in being promoted. Just let me fight. - You should think about your future more.

- Ha-ha-ha, I'm the best! - Then I'm the best of the best.

- You can't fight but you're nice. - Don't take her words seriously.

- It's showtime, Curo! - Let's have the Caelestite witness your defeat then.

- I've got nothing to do... Ugh... Isn't there anything for me to do? - Stop rolling around on the bed like a fool.

- Don't touch my stuff without permission. - What's the big deal? You can use my stuff, too.

- Hey, who do you think is stronger between us? - Don't drag irrelevant persons into this.

- Sometimes I feel that it's too much of a luxury for me to be living in the Colossus. - There you go again.

- Happy New Year! - Best wishes for the coming year. - Stop taking my lines!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

What do you usually do during the day? By the way, I just finished my self-training.

You're up early, a lot earlier than that nerd.

- I feel so energetic at night! - I've given up on this night owl.

Quality sleep is one of the criteria for maintaining good health, which is why you better go to bed now.

Spring Festival Voice

- Happy New Year! - Best wishes for the coming year. - Stop taking my lines!

Obtain an Aurorian

- Hi. Nice to see you. - Get the most powerful person here to come out!

Receiving a gift

Thanks for your concern, Navigator.

Not bad. I'll take it.

Receiving a preferred gift

This is it! You know me!

I'll cherish it. Thanks.

Release Active Skill

Grit your teeth!

- It's time. - Coming!


Please make sure you pick the right moment.

Aurorian Trivia I

- Aw, I'm suddenly missing the time when I first joined Illumina. - You were so much harder to discipline back then. - Excuse me?!

Aurorian Trivia II

- More and more of our duels end in a draw lately. At this rate, I'll beat you sooner or later! - In your dreams.

Aurorian Trivia III

- You often fail to sense the danger around you when you fight. It will prove fatal. - Get off my back! That's because I wasn't fighting on my own!

The Captain's Entrance

- I am the captain! - Behave yourself.