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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


4 tile converter with conditionally powerful crowd-control.




+Preemptive conversion is vital

+Functional detonator type chain combo

+Controllable Fear that can be of great help in certain stages


-– Equipment can sometimes be of annoyance


Kleken is automatically pretty useful because he's a 4-tile converter, but his crowd control gives him some additional niche utility. Fear is generally an annoyance for casual content, but in some harder stages where enemy CC is useful, it's outright broken. In any event, he's quite good and a worthy investment for almost all accounts.

Note: Most of the Preemptive 2-CD converters should be viewed as a staple for the purpose of the early- and mid-game, while endgame content favors multiple teams. Other converters often require BTs to get Pre-emptive and/or an acceptable CD.