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Her Experiences

I heard the visitor is from Lumopolis and is a noble! What I don't understand is, isn't everyone in Lumopolis technically a noble? But after learning what she likes, I understood why they call Miss Beverly a special noble.
As far as I know, Lumopolis nobles prefer high-society events like balls and parties, but Beverly was more into the traditional stage play and darts. Darts I know, but stage play... I don't even think %s has heard of it.
How do I know that? Well, Beverly's been asking for that ever since she got on the Colossus.

Her Story (I)

Nice to meet you, Navigator. I've heard much about you. I've heard that you can pilot the Colossus alone and have unique psychic abilities. That is very impressive. As for a noble from a military family like me, I am a soldier. To me, you are the same as any Lumopolis citizen even though you're a Caelestite, and that means it is my duty to protect you. Therefore, do not be alarmed.
What is the matter? You seem to have questions for me. My likes? You mean traditional stage play? I don't think there's any wrong with liking it. Some say it's old-fashioned and outdated, but that only shows how little they understand classic performance and art. Oh, you mean you don't know what it is at all? My apologies, I forgot you spent 17 years in isolation. It's getting a little late, so I shall elaborate next time.

Her Story (II)

As for my family, they're different from the nobles you know. We are one of the few houses that inherited our forefather's aristocratic lineage and might, unlike the new nobles in Lumopolis these days. The bloodlines of those so-called nobles have gotten... complicated, with their aristocratic values ever diminishing.
Like them, we enjoyed the civilians' respect and tributes, but I don't believe it's a one-way street, as we also need to uphold our obligations, whether it be protecting them or mediating their disputes. Wouldn't you say it's a mutually-beneficial relationship?
Well, I don't think that's a fair assumption since commoners lack a fine education or logical judgment we have and must be protected by nobles like us. Equal footing does not exist.

Her Story (III)

I don't agree with current nobles of Lumopolis, but we still keep formalities and stay cordial with them. Why don't I agree with them? It's not just the reasons I listed, of course. I hold them in contempt because they failed to accept the responsibilities and obligations that nobles should.
What obligations? Do you think nobles simply indulge in their luxurious lifestyle? All nobles have the power granted by their bloodline, and that is the very thing allowing them to be nobles and to protect commoners. But now, they just revel in pretension, foolishness, and arrogance not fit for their titles.
Am I too serious? I don't think I'm wrong. If you enjoy the benefits of your status, shouldn't you also be accountable for your duty?

Her Story (IV)

Many have said I'm too haughty and I do not realize my own shortcomings... Many times, I'd reflect and realize things I should not have said, but my birthright and authority made it impossible for me to speak in any other manner.
Father admonished me when I was a girl that it would be detrimental for me to continue to be so arrogant, and I do understand very clearly that I will probably not convince anyone with my haughty words and behavior.
Perhaps I have been rude to you in my time at the Colossus which I have failed to notice, but please know that I did not mean to slight you. It is just something I cannot change right away.