Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Marika Kouno

Tap on the Colossus Room

It isn't that hard to become part of Rediesel Wrench. You just need to, well, know how to have fun.

I've been to many places, but I heard that Lumopolis is up in the sky... How does anyone get there...?

Enjoy yourself while... while what again?

I can see black things very clearly. Bring me with you if you're afraid, and I'll do my best!

I can't damage the motorcycle again because it was just fixed not too long ago. Tiny One will be so mad at me.

Because I was determined to join Rediesel Wrench, my boss promised my mother to take good care of me.

Eh? You're... asking me what I like? I like things that look cool.

W-why is there such a thing as lizard jerky? ... *Sobs* There's no way I can eat it...

The Colossus is really powerful! Can I become like it if I try a little harder?

Interact with the Colossus Room

M-my tail isn't for display...! And it doesn't look good either, really.

Change Assistant

If I break anything by accident after getting excited... I'm sorry, I'll pay you back for it!! Will you accept grenades?

Battle Failed

I still have the courage to do it again...


Is the battle over? Let me calm down then...

Unleash Chain Combos

Fire in the hole!

Blast everything off!

Active Skill is Ready

With the power of fluffy lizards!

Enter the Formation

I need to muster the courage!

Aurorian Ascension I

My tail's getting restless...

Aurorian Ascension II

I've become a huge lizard!

Aurorian Ascension III

I want to detonate everything!


Can I show you my modified grenade? Hold on, let me take it out slowly because things will get ugly if the loop gets caught on my gloves.

Upgrade Successful

I'm getting excited!

Voice Login

Alchemy... Stars?

Happy New Year. I must... overcome my weaknesses.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I can't take this glove off because it might hurt someone... Um, cause... my hand is covered with bristles.

Stop staring at me, okay? It's not like I'll change if you keep staring at me... I'm not the kind of lizard that casually changes its pattern.

The people of Rediesel Wrench often gather together to party, but I usually just stay in a corner, unless... I accidentally get excited.

Is there anything wrong with my appearance? ...But all the fluffy lizards in the desert look like this... Eh? You've never heard of that before?

I use the power of a fluffy lizard when I get excited, and when that happens, I can feel my blood boiling, giving me so much strength.

Summon your courage and don't be afraid of difficulties! Regardless of what I want to do or am looking for, I just charge and throw a grenade... Oh, sorry! I accidentally got too excited.

I'm not a kid anymore! ...So it's okay... I can fight, plus I have a lot of bombs! I can even ride a motorcycle!

You're unhappy? Hmm... What to do... Um, I know, How about I lend you my tail? ...Eh? Are you, actually, in fact, not interested?

Actually, these gloves are quite inconvenient. Someday, if only I can... Never mind; just being able to be by your side like this is enough.

Sigh... As expected, I have failed again... Maybe... You can wait a moment for me to try again? It won't take long...

Some of these wounds are self-inflicted tail doesn't listen to me when I'm at rest.

I don't cope very well in places with crowds... I get really shy if people stare at me...

Happy New Year. I must... overcome my weaknesses.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Welcome back! I've been standing guard over here and haven't left.

Wait! Let me put on a bandage... Do you want one? It can prevent injuries.

D-don't look! I'm still tidying my tail... So, uh, do the bristles look strange?

I can see very clearly at night, so don't worry... Oh, yeah, it isn't very dark here.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year. I must... overcome my weaknesses.

Obtain an Aurorian

I-I'm Maggie... Um, although there are many things I'm not good at, I'll muster the courage... to overcome them.

Receiving a gift

Umm... C-can I not take it?

I'll take it. Hmm... Thank you?

Receiving a preferred gift

Isn't this!! This is... How should I thank you for this!

Thanks! This looks so cool and powerful!

Release Active Skill

It's just a grenade. Come on!

Charge! Feed them the grenades!


I'm ready since a while ago!

Aurorian Trivia I

Everyone at Rediesel Wrench wears such domineering clothing. I wanted to blend in, so I... I changed everything. I can't even tell you how much I regret doing that...

Aurorian Trivia II

My modified grenades aren't usually very powerful, but they become suuuuuper powerful once I use them with "fluffy lizard power"!

Aurorian Trivia III

I was originally just searching for my papa, but it was to no avail, so I followed on, to travel to somewhere even farther.

The Captain's Entrance

It's so scary... but my blood is boiling with excitement!