Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Firefly Keeper

Firefly Keeper

When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.

Prism Focus

Prism Focus

When deployed to the Prism Pillar, the extra Prism recovery rate +20% per hour.

Group Talks

Pact:Oh no, turnips again...
Pact:Why would Lady Victoria choose to have this?
Sikare:So you don't like the dinner, either?
Pact:I absolutely hate turnips more than anything else.
Pact:Even if Lady Victoria claimed she handpicked them specially...
Pact:And marinated them in Truth for 88 hours straight...
Pact:That still wouldn't change the fact they're turnips, with a taste that grosses me out...
Sikare:Me too.
Sikare:After 88 hours, they remind me only of the rancid smell of catacombs in the summertime.
Pact:But Lady Victoria seemed confident and proud of this special dish.
Sikare:Yeah, it's just hard to understand her taste sometimes.