Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel
Detonator with great normals and global teleport.
(S at MBT-R3)
+Teleport on a DPS slot
+Fairly beefy normals via Equipment
+Refinements gives him enough damage to help him compete against S tier detonators
-Trying to hit enemies with proper damage in the teleport range can be awkward
Slap a global teleport onto an otherwise average Detonator and you have the defintion of "strong." Corax's teleport is somewhat hindered by its awkward damage trigger, but his Equipment - which amps his damage considerably on enemies with multiple contact points - more than makes up for it.
He also has niche use on stages like Frost Spire Floor 89 as a secondary DPS with teleportation, though Sharona is often a better pick if you don't have his breakthroughs or don't need pre-emptive teleportation setup.