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His Experiences

Mr. Corax... I heard he often wandered around the Colossus late at night. I'm not certain why, but so far I have four or five complaints about how scary he is going about expressionlessly with a scalpel in hand...
As one of the representatives in the Colossus, it is my duty to investigate. When I walked to his door, he was in the middle of polishing his scalpels and he noticed me as I was hesitating whether to go in or not...
What happened? It was a big misunderstanding, of course! He only just arrived at the Colossus, and was trying familiarize himself with the way. As for the things that looked like scalpels... He was probably just playing with them. But why late at night, though? It's probably just a quirk. It's fine as long as nothing happens!

His Story (I)

Is that you, Navigator? Excuse me, but I'm still washing my hands. It'll be just a moment... As you can tell, I'm a mild germaphobe. But don't worry, only when it comes to myself.
So, I've found you interesting for a long time. I believe you're a Caelestite with psychic abilities? I'm curious to know how Caelestites have that power. Is it the cerebrum, or another part of the body... Why are you stepping back? The scalpels? Oh, just an old habit. I used to be a doctor, but not anymore.
Okay, as much as I would like to find out, where are my manners. At least I can control myself for now.

His Story (II)

I don't know if you remember that I mentioned I used to be a doctor.
I was born in Umbraton. My parents wanted me to be a doctor and make a name in my hometown, so they sent me to medical school in Lumopolis. I didn't let them down, graduating with honor and becoming a superb surgeon, specializing in treating those severely injured by Eclipsites.
I won some accolades. I was young and ambitious then, so I spent the years in surgery and medical research and rarely went home.
I think maybe what happened afterward might be my punishment... I still get the occasional urge to pick up a scalpel now, but more often, it's for research.
So, how about letting me do some research on you?

His Story (III)

In the years when Eclipsites invaded Umbraton, I was treating victims almost every day. The injuries were difficult to treat, but like I said, I was a superb surgeon, so I sailed through no matter how difficult the situation. However, lack of manpower meant I just got busier and busier, with victims in need of medical attention piling up. I got so dedicated to treating them that I neglected my family. My parents fell victim to an Eclipsite attack.
By the time I rushed home, they were dead. I tried to save them but it was too late. Worse yet, I didn't even realize there were still Eclipsites lingering around at the time... What? Of course, I survived. I'm standing here, aren't I? I guess you can chuck it up to survival instinct. I felt something awaken within me to save myself... You don't know I have powers? Maybe I can show you when we get a chance.

His Story (IV)

You want to know why I quit being a doctor? You probably know nothing about the Umbraton at the time, Caelestite. It was corrupt beyond belief, teeming with shady businesses of all shapes and sizes. I could only treat physical injuries, not psychological ones. It's meaningless to even try. I realized medicine was not going to change the town, so I quit and sought other means to change the status quo. I couldn't think of any other way.
That was when I heard about that Shadowlord and his gang, so I put my past behind and joined him, serving him with my scalpels and precision skills. I think that counts as the right choice, making my mark on the world like my parents wanted.
Before Umbraton turns over a new leaf, I think I'll do what's best for me and wait.