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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with mild crowd control.




+Strong Attack stat for a 5* Detonator

+A preemptive pull, while niche, can be pretty useful in the edge cases it's relevant


-Mediocre Chain Combo

-Equipment buff, while nice, isn't much to write home about


Rouge is a really, really funny character for a number of reasons, the least of which is the fact that her kit's numbers are all inexplicably 3s or 5s. You see, for a few days after her initial release, TourDog didn't realize her pull could pull anything. If you were one of the lucky people who were around for this, you could enjoy Mass-Effect Andromeda style body horror as Nozard or Phorosion were spaghetti'd into the middle of the map. Unfortunately, TourDog realized that this would give Rouge ultimate power, and promptly patched anything fun out of her kit.

Jokes aside, Rouge is an excellent, if relatively standard Detonator. The pull is now just okay, but given that she's a welfare unit with already serviceable Detonator stats, that's fine by me.