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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Underwhelming Captain swapping Support.




+Is the core of the captain-swap gimmick team

+ATK buff is nice, if not necessarily the best around.


-The captain swap gimmick team is not a real thing

-Everything else about her kit is pretty sad


Kayano is the linchpin of Alchemy Star's most mechanically-confused series of characters.

Her abilities revolve around captain-swapping mid-match to gain bonuses and buffs. As interesting as it is, there's several problems with this strategy.

1.) The buffs are often negligible, and other similar units that are good are good in spite of the mechanic.
2.) Only a few units that care about this mechanic, and they're spread over multiple elements
3.) The mechanic itself is clunky to play with and forces you to take suboptimal turns in order to get any value out of it.

In practice, Kayano is a meme unit. However, Kristen's refine includes Captain Swap, so maybe the mechanic will be expanded upon further within the element later.