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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Healer with incidental select-tile Conversion.



(S at BT2)


+Generally better healing output than Nadine thanks to second element typing

+Very solid conversion with the potential to spam tiles on burst turns

+Excellent Tessa partner thanks to low CD

+Extremely Flexible in nearly all difficult thunder content

+Roy’s chain, unlike every other medic, begins at 4 tiles and does ok sniper damage

+He's our boy


-Summons bees in a limited range, therefore has limited select tile conversion (global range for existing bees only)

-Dependent on BT2 for max potential


Roy is a high power hybrid converter-healer, which automatically makes him a notable unit. He's significantly better than Nadine within their almost identical niche, and also boasts strong, low CD conversion that makes him shine in the right comps (think Florine, Tessa, etc. – the usual suspects in Thunder). He's even playable in your Converter Slot in a large majority of teams, which makes him useful even into the late game– similar to Raphael but with better healing and no RNG at the cost of the raw tile output she generally brings.

With that said, his healing is dependent on his bees, which diminishes his output greatly if they’re trampled. It's similar to Bethel's minions, in that you can largely avoid it with skillful play — but not always. Just be careful.

Note that BT2 Roy is radically better than Nadine. In fact, BT2 Roy is the most universally applicable medic in the game. Unfortunately, the difference between Bt0 and BT2 Roy is huge. BT2 adds 24 entire tiles to Roy's potential conversion range, double that of BT0. BT0 Roy is far more on par with Nadine, meaning it’s more up to preference at that point.