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Her Experiences

Now that I think of it, Kya has lived on the Colossus for some time now, but not many people have actually seen her. In her own words, she's always either delivering mail or on her way to deliver mail. The reason she's staying on the Colossus is so that she can deliver letters faster. Although her strenuous efforts and conscientious work ethic are impressive, I sometimes wish she could stop for a moment and reflect... I ran into her at the bridge one day—she was planning on hanging a rope from the bridge and sliding directly down to the ground! She said it was because the Courier Union's code states that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so she always tries to go in a straight line when delivering mail. Fortunately, I grabbed her letter bag before it was too late and stopped her from sliding down. Why would she risk her life like that? You have no idea how heavy that letter bag was... I used all my strength to pull her up, I can still feel the pain when I think of that moment...

Her Story (I)

My hometown is a remote village somewhere up in the mountains. You've probably never heard of it. Faar Village, Northland... I told you you wouldn't know it. It's in the middle of nowhere and people rarely travel there, so it's to be expected that you don't know it. I remember that, when I was young, the world seemed only as big as Faar Village. That was until a courier appeared in the village—Emerald. She brought a letter from the faraway city of Umbraton to the people of Faar Village—a letter from a villager who left when he was young to wander the world. After establishing a foothold in Umbraton, he wrote to his parents, who were still in Faar Village, to let them know all was well. That was the first time I realized there was such a big world outside, and the great unknown slowly began to unfold before me. I couldn't wait to explore it for myself. However, I was still young, and my parents didn't let me leave the village, so I began to look forward to Emerald's visits every day. But that one time, she didn't arrive as scheduled...

Her Story (II)

People told me that villagers would rarely leave Faar before Emerald started coming there, and few outsiders would visit. After the first letter from Emerald, the village gradually became connected to the outside world. Emerald started coming more and more frequently, delivering letters and strange objects. However, I was more curious about Emerald herself, and always pestered her, asking constantly about the outside world and her work as a courier. So anyway, this time, she came three days later than expected. I was so anxious, I couldn't even eat or sleep—I was worried that she had had an accident. Fortunately, she came in the end. Although her clothes were torn and her skin was red with the bite of the cold wind, she still wore that warm smile on her face. She said that she ran into danger while traveling through a mountain forest in Northland—the vast mountains and forests of Northland are covered with ice and snow that never melts. I didn't understand why she'd put herself in such danger to send letters. She said it was part of a courier's duty.

Her Story (III)

"Every letter and every package, carries the feelings and expectations of its sender. Couriers are the bridge between the sender and the recipient. If you accept the responsibility of sending mail, you must deliver it, regardless of the difficulties and dangers you encounter along the way." This is what Emerald, who had just been through such an ordeal, said to me. It was these words that first made me consider becoming a courier. Emerald eventually retired from the Courier Union and returned to her hometown, Faar Village. I asked Emerald to become my teacher, and began learning how to be a courier. After studying for several years, I finally joined the Courier Union and began my career as a courier. In the first year, I traveled between several branches to offer assistance where I could, which allowed me to make contact with several elders. This meant I was able to ask them for advice and benefit from their years of experience. Just when I thought I was ready to stand on my own two feet, something happened...

Her Story (IV)

As I was on my way to deliver a letter, I encountered a group of children besieged by Eclipsites. There was no time to inform my coworkers—an attack was imminent. For the sake of rescuing those children, I had to risk my life, all alone. As a result... it's embarrassing to say, but I found myself trapped with the children. Huh? You think I was brave, facing the Eclipsites alone? Well, of course, I'm a courier all children love and trust... In an attempt to avoid the Eclipsites, I hid the children in a hollow tree. The Eclipsites wandered around nearby, refusing to give up. It was under this tremendous emotional strain that I awakened! I summoned my own Speaker—a blue jay called Karnet. Karnet helped me send word to the Courier Union, and with the help of my union mates, who arrived just in time, the Eclipsites were finally driven away. The children cheered, hailing me as their hero! They called me the most amazing courier... So, I'm a hero and the most amazing courier... but I don't really care about flattering names like that.