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His Experiences

He strikes me as an unpredictable sort of person.
He's so familiar with other people's secrets that I'm not sure if he's practicing divination or conducting covert investigations. Either way, most people avoid getting on his bad side, since he can turn even their most private secrets into a public scandal.
Whenever anyone asks about his past, he just flashes a devious smile and makes all kinds of contradictory statements. And if pestered by a nosy person, he'd call upon a pair of chatty birds, making things tough for the nosy one. Their constant squawking is enough to give anyone a pounding headache! Just having them around is stressful enough; what if they peck someone's hair out or worse?!
But even so, there are some people who can't help but approach him. Aside from his fantastical fortune-telling, he always has plenty of interesting stories and juicy gossip to share. He's like a puzzle—you can't help but love and hate him at the same time.

His Story (I)

Welcome, welcome! Feel free to take a look around! Ah, yes, you have quite the discerning eye: this is the "Scroll of Divine Ascension," an incredible work written by the "Maiden from the Clouds," one of history's most incredible figures. It's a thought-provoking text containing both ancient and modern knowledge, a remarkable book unknown to the world! Look here, the first chapter is titled "Legends of the Lands," and it describes all manner of strange myths from all over our world, including one that claims that all things are descended from rats, including Aurorians! Unbelievable, I know, but it's not without plenty of compelling scientific evidence. The second chapter, "Prophetic Words," claims that everything in the world can be predicted and that those who can understand its contents will be able to peer into the future. What's that, you wish to know what is written here? To be honest, I haven't the foggiest idea either... But in my opinion, the third chapter of the scroll, "Annals of Leisure," is by far the most important! It's a collection of the bizarre and fantastic tales that I've heard throughout my many travels. It's an absolute must-have at any family gathering, and can be enjoyed anywhere from the lunch table to the lavatory! They say remarkable books are only read by those who are destined to read them, and destiny appears to be calling out to you, my friend...

His Story (II)

I haven't had any customers today, so I'll cut you a great deal: the Scroll of Divine Ascension for a paltry 100 Nightium! Hmm? Wait, stop pulling at my tablecloth; I still have plenty of books to sell! Heheh, you're absolutely right: this is just a copy of the Scroll of Divine Ascension. Did you really think I'ld sell the original so cheaply? What's that, you still think it's too expensive? Just a moment, let me ask my colleagues for help. My feathered friends, let your voices ring out! Heehee, had enough yet? Few can withstand the crashing chorus of my birds! For the record, I also learned this bird-taming method from the Scroll of Divine Ascension. It's a secret technique from an age long past! You're at the perfect age to pick up this. If you wait another two or three years, it'll be too late to learn even if you want to. Opportunity is knocking at your door, so why don't you answer it?

His Story (III)

Oh? You say you like this scroll, but you don't have enough money? Not a problem, my friend! Just write me a debt note, so you can pay me back whenever you have the money to do so. Just make it out to "Li Tianxian" for 10,000 Nightium, and the scroll is yours. I know I said 100 just now, but since it's just a note and not real money, why not add a few extra zeroes? It's just honest business, I assure you... Wait, come back! This isn't a trick, I promise! Don't listen to any of the rumors you hear about me, even if there are plenty of them out there. Some call me "The Third Richest Man," and claim that I've made a fortune in the porcelain trade. Others call me "The Chaste Merchant," and say that I'm moved only by money and not beauty. Some even refer to me as "The Wise Pauper," a man rich in knowledge and nothing else. Can you believe them? If I truly lived up to any of those rumors, would I be selling scrolls out of a stall like this?

His Story (IV)

I am Li Tianxian, nothing more and nothing less than an honest-to-goodness fortune-teller. If you don't believe me, I'd be glad to read your fortune to prove it! You want to know when you'll be rich? I'd rather not tell you about that, lest I hurt your feelings. Besides, young people should make their own destiny, so it's up to you to decide your future! Even if you don't strike it rich, I'm sure you'll be just fine... Not that I'm saying you won't strike it rich, of course! Now, let's peek at a certain country's fate. Just look at all the stars in the heavens above, twinkling and sparkling like popping candy! Ah, the metaphors I could draw... But enough about that! The skies tell an ominous story, one that spells the end for an entire nation! Of course I'm telling the truth! Even if that nation's emperor were here right now, I'd say the exact same thing! An honest man has nothing to hide, right? There, uh, isn't actually anyone around here, right?