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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


4 tile converter that also generates large shields.




+Preemptive Conversion is Vital

+Powerful, free shield that works with Istvan

+Pushes Lilica’s damage into the stratosphere


-One of the few 4 tile converters that doesn’t generate Enhanced Tiles

-Shield strength requires timing and certain enemy counts; shield value is largely tied to Lilica, a 6-Star.


Matthieu is a strong welfare unit with unique team building implications for Lilica teams. His shield strength seems middling at first glance, but the fact it scales with enemy count and can be amplified by Istvan’s chain doubling allows it to reach fairly impressive numbers. In Lilica teams, this means a tremendous amount of DEF-ignoring burst damage – even before counting his value as a Converter. It’s likely that he will be the gold standard for non-whale Conversion moving forwards.