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Her Experiences

Truth be told, even before meeting Miss Joselyne, I had already heard numerous rumors about her—the Bestower of Lumopolis, the Saintess of Twilight. Nearly everyone who brought her up described her as a beam of light, guiding soldiers on the battlefield and leading them to victory.
Such descriptions had me on edge, kind of like the way we all feel about our Grand Marshal... It wasn't until she flashed me a grin and shoved a basket of tomatoes into my hands that I finally exhaled in relief. My reaction then might've been a bit over the top, though—I hope I didn't freak her out.
Miss Joselyne has a wish—board Soroz and pray for all of us. She's got this idea that above the skies, the echoes of our prayers reach the ears of the God of Light more clearly... Now, I'm not exactly an expert on this stuff, but I'm pretty confident that Miss Joselyne's prayers will surely bestow good fortune upon our future.

Her Story (I)

My hometown? You mean Lumopolis? %s, I get why you might think that, but no. Despite sharing the same faith in the God of Light as the Lumopolis folks, my roots are deep in Twilight. As you can see, the conditions here aren't exactly peachy—just trying to stay alive takes every ounce of effort. During an onslaught of Eclipsites, to keep me safe, even my parents were...
No, no need to apologize, %s. My parents wouldn't want their sacrifice to bring sorrow to others. But see, that's exactly why I hope to protect everyone's future like they did. As long as the Aurorians endure, the will of White Night won't fade.
So even if the boundaries of eternal night grow treacherous, as children of the God of Light, I will never falter. White Night up high, I swear upon the Olivier in my hands, the Holy Light won't back down a single inch from Twilight.

Her Story (II)

You ask me why I step onto the battlefield? I get it—staying within the church as a nun might give me a moment of peace. But for me, personally protecting everything in Twilight is, without a doubt, the duty the God of Light bestowed upon me.
I still remember clearly, the day when Eclipsites ravaged the town. Inhuman howls, the cries of the trampled, and the sobs of children behind me that they were desperately suppressing... It's surely to prevent those horrors from happening again in Twilight that miracles found their way to me.
Perhaps, compared to the places you've once saved, Twilight might seem insignificantly small. But for those kids born and raised here, just like me, Twilight is their everything. That's why, before they're ready to step into the broader world on their own, I'll be the one to shield them from the disaster lurking within the eternal night.

Her Story (III)

Please, no need to keep calling me "Saintess." I'm glad the residents in Twilight put their trust in me, but the whole "Saintess" title is a bit much. I'm just a regular townfolk, you know, selling vegetables and doing some tailoring on the side.
So, how about some fresh tomatoes? I've got all sorts of other fruits and veggies too, but I'd recommend these the most. The church kids really love them, and every now and then, some naughty ones even sneak into the garden to eat them as a snack...
Maybe my thoughts are running wild, but I genuinely see farming as a path to nurture life—whether it's cultivating new fruits or using those fruits to feed the growing kids.
To achieve peace, there's no escape from battles. Meanwhile, I also aspire to be the one who nurtures the kids as they grow strong. The fledglings haven't left the nest yet, but the sky has always been waiting for their exploration.

Her Story (IV)

I do know Lumopolis and Illumina have got some... how should we put it, disputes? While they stand shoulder to shoulder as allies against the Eclipsites, I also see how differing ideologies can brew conflicts and divides.
However, that won't be happening in Twilight. Because if we didn't unite together, this place would've been reduced to nothing but debris under the Eclipsites' feet already.
Sure, on the surface, this place is under both Lumopolis and Illumina's governance, which is why we do get some liaisons coming by, carrying a load of hostility and bias. If it's possible, though, I'd prefer if everyone could just sit down and savor the fruits I've nurtured.
Because it's clear to me... not just to me, to every Twilight folk basking in sunlight, the moment those Eclipsites breach the twilight threshold, there won't be a second enemy to the Aurorians.