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Ninomiya Eri

Tap on the Colossus Room

Technically, I'm from Lumopolis, but people in Twilight don't care about each other's backgrounds.

Illuminan warriors share the same goal as us: to fight the Eclipsites until our final breath.

White Night up high.

Those who trample upon Aurorians will be judged by the God of Light.

Leo used to be a proud and arrogant man. But since becoming a captain, his singular focus has been spent on protecting Twilight.

Joseph is a man of piety. I have a lot to learn from him about the church.

It's my greatest wish for all of Twilight's residents to enjoy a happy, content life.

Light is the source of all. Sinners defiling the God of Light will be obliterated when the light returns.

Pardon the request, but is there a spare room on the Colossus for me to conduct morning prayers?

Interact with the Colossus Room

The orphans will love it here for sure. Don't worry, they're all good kids.

Change Assistant

I'm a soldier too, and I must give my life to this land that protects me.

Battle Failed

A temporary setback will not stop us from advancing.


The God of Light illuminates us.

Unleash Chain Combos

No mercy!

Hold nothing back!

Active Skill is Ready

Aim for the darkness!

Enter the Formation

I'm not afraid to die.

Aurorian Ascension I

I fear nothing.

Aurorian Ascension II

I shall pierce the darkness.

Aurorian Ascension III

I'm dedicated to my sacred mission!


Sorry to keep you waiting. I was telling a story to several children. Can I get your request again?

Upgrade Successful

The eternal God of Light!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year, may the God of Light be with you.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

White Night up high. Wishing you a peaceful, uneventful day.

Don't make me out to be a holy maiden when I'm merely ordinary. Feel free to visit my grocery and tailor shop at the market in your spare time.

As a child of the God of Light, I'm obligated to protect fellow Aurorians from Eclipsites. What's your duty?

Thank the supreme God of Light for granting me the power to stop the darkness.

To save more Aurorians, I must become stronger.

I will stand at the head of the Aurorian troops and do my best to guide them.

I see hope for the Aurorians within you... No, make that hope for all living beings.

Would you like to pray with me? It's just a personal habit. I look forward to sharing my faith with you during sunrise or sunset.

Mm... do forgive me for saying something potentially inappropriate. However, our collaboration on the battlefield convinces me you are godsend.

Since the moment the Eclipsites invaded Twilight, our only choice has been to go into battle and never turn back.

Aurorians have the right to live. In the tenets of the God of Light, no death against one's will is permitted.

Even when born in forsaken lands, the deities can still hear our prayers, because I firmly believe the God of Light is always with me.

Happy New Year, may the God of Light be with you.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Very happy to see you. Which do you think I should do first, improve my sword fighting or pray?

Good morning, may the God of Light watch over Astra. How about coming with me to the market?

As pious as you are, you must hear God's voice in your daily work.

Still up? Please try praying at late hours when it's quiet. You might hear revelations more clearly.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year, may the God of Light be with you.

Obtain an Aurorian

The God of Light vanquishes darkness, and the people of light shall shine forever. I'm Joselyne, a servant of the light.

Receiving a gift

Thank you. May the mercy of God be with you.

I appreciate it. Is there anything I can do for you?

Receiving a preferred gift

What a surprise to receive this gift!

Thank you, this is the best gift I've received so far!

Release Active Skill

Oh, God of Light, please guide me in battle!

I shall guide the coming of the light!


May the God of Light bless us!

Aurorian Trivia I

Having been born on Astra's frontier, I understand the importance of saving Aurorians. Even when facing Eclipsites in hazardous environments, the God of Light's people will never back down.

Aurorian Trivia II

Those children born in Twilight were like me once, thinking that little town was the entire world. I will do my best to protect this world of theirs.

Aurorian Trivia III

Illumina, Lumopolis... So many oppose each other simply because they were born to different factions. But other than Eclipsites, there are no true enemies.

The Captain's Entrance

Yes, I'm used to leading the front lines!