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Her Experiences

Ms. Carleen, the Captain of Guard of the Lumopolis Gardens, approached us and asked to join us. I hope that I can have more conversations about daily topics with her instead of always talking about missions, but Ms. Carleen seems to avoid talking about Mr. Schwartz deliberately. Although they are father and daughter, I can't help feeling that there's an insurmountable gulf between them. Perhaps someone with such a strong self-awareness like Ms. Carleen isn't willing to reveal too much to others.
She seems to have joined us to explore a certain important secret. She once said: "If you stay in the same place forever, you'll never get close to the truth..." Please forgive me for being curious, but I really want to know what she's so concerned about.

Her Story (I)

As the Captain of the Guard of the Lumopolis Gardens, my attitude represents the attitude of Lumopolis to some extent. I want to have a cooperative relationship with you. This is not an easy task, and although it didn't affect me, the exams were indeed harder during the year I applied to join the Guard than during other years. After investigating this, I learned that it was my father's idea to make the exams harder. Unfortunately, he could only play tricks like this within the scope of his authority and couldn't just kick me out. He was the one who made it a rule to ensure the selections were fair, so even he must abide by those rules even if he is the city lord. Once I pass the selection exam, they won't have a reason to stop me from entering the Guard as a knight and working as a captain.
Don't get me wrong as I'm not boasting about myself. I just want you to trust my identity and abilities instead of judging me based on my age and appearance.

Her Story (II)

Excuse me, I'm sure you must know that those who are in prominent positions must be more cautious about their stance, or else it will be very easy to cause greater conflicts, especially when it comes to issues that may infringe on the interests of other forces. This is why the Guard only operates within a fixed jurisdiction.
The reason why Lumopolis managed to become the Lumopolis of today is that it has maintained its rules and order for a hundred years. While the rules may come off as indifferent, the obligation to abide by the rules is one of the most important obligations we have. I worry about this quite often as I am a member of the Guard. The order of Lumopolis will be broken if the nobles don't follow the rules, and justice will no longer exist.
I hope we can find better solutions within the bounds of the rules to resolve potential problems in the future. Of course, I will fulfill my duty as an ally from the standpoint of Lumopolis and from my own.

Her Story (III)

Yes, I have been to the Northland before. That was when I was the messenger of Lumopolis, and I was taught by the Queen when I was there. Over time, I understood all the conveniences I had received from my identity as a noble. Having lost my identity as a Lumo Noble while I was there, it struck me that millions of people had lost their families and homes because of the war.
The years I spent living in the Northland greatly impacted my growth. It taught me how to think clearly and calmly as I do now.
Too many things are uncertain on this land. Perhaps the future of Lumopolis will change if all evil and Eclipsites are eradicated. I think that what I seek should be rules and order that are more correct than the ones we have now.

Her Story (IV)

I would've probably forgotten that I'm just an ordinary 17-year-old girl if I didn't put down my spear for four hours every day. What do girls around this age usually do? Dress up? Snuggle in the arms of their parents? Play with their friends?
I also had happy memories, a beautiful and caring mother, a gentle sister, and a father who wasn't that stubborn at that time. Those happy days didn't last long as the war started... My father told me that my mother and older sister had disappeared in the war, and silence was all I received whenever I asked him about it. I couldn't take a step out of that palace that was so empty it was suffocating, let alone regain that ordinary happiness.
All I wanted was to do something instead of being silently devoured by the contradictions in my heart like before. When I understood that the truth wouldn't just present itself to me, I decided to search for the answer myself.