Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel
Detonator with extremely potent %HP nuke on Active.
(S at MBT)
+Deals % Current HP on active (making up for it being a Sniper active) which is affected by elemental attribute
+Unusually high defense due to all of his defense effects
+Global AoE sniper nuke
+chain combo style makes for strong mobbing
-Suboptimal chain combo for bossing
If Schwartz didn't have % HP damage, he'd be firmly in A tier, below Eve. The fact that he does means he gets to act like he has a Detonator nuke and chain combo in most situations, while splashing some Sniper range/AoE in others. This gives him fantastic versatility and makes him one of the game's premier 5* quasi-detonators.
Important note: Schwartz's active is affected by elemental attribute, so his %HP cut is closer to 18% HP on water enemies rather than the stated 10%. Also, while defense is normally not that important, getting it for free on your Equipment is real nice, and actually relevant once in a while. As with Michael, he's more powerful the further you go in the game, so don't write him off because Tessa outperforms him early on.