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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Mobbing Sniper with high-CD nuke Active. Ramps up over time and applies Fear.




+Chain is now global, making her a competent mobber

+Global chain also synergizes with her built-in Fright mechanic, letting her run away while building marks

+Marks provide a significant (multiplicative!) damage buff, and eventually add a self double-chain on the nearest enemy

+High-damage Active allows for strong mobbing


-Core issue of being a pure Sniper with no splash remains

-Windup time on marks is noticeable compared to Fleur (who also has access to splash)

-CD is still tied for worst CD in the game without MBT


The day has finally come: Connolly is unironically good. No, seriously!

If you're unfamiliar, Connolly was the no-holds-barred worst six star unit in the game for an entire year, up until TourDog decided to randomly and completely rework her entire kit into something playable. This is surprising as hell, given that TD refused to buff her during the release of her skin and her second rate-up rerun. Well, here we are...

Connolly now functions as a hyper-specialized 10+ round mobber and single-tile boss killer. While the CD on her active is still miserable, her equipment passive is strong enough now to compensate in the right situations, and the damage on her Chain is just silly. The fact that her marks don't clear and also release a double chain combo at max stacks is pretty relevant for single-tile bosses.

Ace and Neppity from the team are actually dead serious when they compare her to Mythos... albeit only from turn four-ish onwards. Chances are that she's a pretty nice QoL unit. That said, she's still just that -- a QoL unit for single-tile and mobbing. You probably won't use her in most boss stages, but that's still a huge step up from where she was before.