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Makoto Furukawa

Outfit Voice:

Tap on the Colossus Room

Our destiny is tied with Illumina. We've been here twice, and it's now the place we call home for all of eternity.

Pursuit is nothing but the manifestation of one's self-consciousness. Something that is imposed is not necessarily the truth.


We, who have returned from hell, shall face our fears head-on.

I dare not comment on her, as I did lose... But if it's about how to operate a train...

To see through everything and embark on a lonely road without hesitation—that is what a born leader is like.

A lonely stage, a free life, and a rock n' roll train journey. These are the things I love!

There's no room for tasteless lunatics in an artist's life.

Just like me and Other End, this Colossus is your partner, right?

Interact with the Colossus Room

Do you want to see the next act of the play? Come on, tell me you want to!

Change Assistant

Part the curtain of the dark night dreamily, and I shall steer you toward the light. Can I stand here forever?

Battle Failed

Run! Grab my hand!


We come from hell. Losing is not possible.

Unleash Chain Combos

Power test!

Hellfire Signal!

Active Skill is Ready

Listen to the ear-piercing whistle!

Enter the Formation

I never thought I'd have the chance...

Aurorian Ascension I

We are arriving at the River Styx.

Aurorian Ascension II

The train to hell has departed!

Aurorian Ascension III

This is the train of the dead! Haha!


"Those who have reached the end of their destiny! Struggle! Shout! Your face, frantic with fear, shall be my..." Hmm, this part is a little awkward.

Upgrade Successful

Speed up!

Voice Login


This... This is the sound of the New Year!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Humph... The loneliness of the soul and true art are things that few can understand. All artists are lonely, and I don't work well with others...

Argh, I'm so busy. Wanna watch a musical? Invited a lot of people? Really? In that case, I'll make an exception and perform again—

Someone complained about the noises we're making? Who's complaining that my old buddy is noisy? Surely it must be a plebian with poor taste...

Look, I just have to shout "Feel the terror of the train from hell!" and my old buddy will rush out. Do you want to see it?

Peace will continue to elude me forever. It is an endless curse and a carnival of the lonely...

Focus! This is my grandest performance! Charon, Other End, and countless souls who thirst for a show full of life have returned from hell!

Please wait for a moment... Here are your tea and snacks. Dear audience, please return to your seats!

You fled alone so quickly and so far. Why didn't you take me with you? You know I'll always be on your side no matter what you are or what you do...

The days that I spent with the Grand Marshal were the happiest days of my life, and I felt like I had been redeemed... Now that I've met you, the script of destiny is complete!

All I need is Other End. My other friends... I can do without.

People will always leave me for different reasons, getting off when they reach the stop of their destination...

Other End seems to like you a lot. In that case, I'll reserve a spot for you on stage!

This... This is the sound of the New Year!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

The Wraith Train, at your service.

Really? You're up so early just to prepare such an elaborate stage specially for me ?

We've stepped onto the next stage! Come! Join us!

You're just in time as the Wraith Train is about to depart. Get on if you want to reach the other side!

Spring Festival Voice

This... This is the sound of the New Year!

Obtain an Aurorian

I am the ferryman of evil spirits and the underworld. I am not a skeleton of hell nor an apostle of Bright. I am Charon, and I travel fearlessly in a blood-stained world.

Receiving a gift

I think the last time I got a gift was in the last century...

Gift-giving is such a touching scene!

Receiving a preferred gift

Ohhh! Is this a gift from a kindred soul?!

How wonderful! This is a gift from my dear friend!

Release Active Skill

Hellbound! On its way!

The dead! Shall give way!


Full speed ahead!

Aurorian Trivia I

So what if you're misunderstood and alienated by old friends? Days spent on enjoying wine without worrying about others are much better!

Aurorian Trivia II

I'll never forget my mother's face behind the window... I can watch her forever without noticing time passing...

Aurorian Trivia III

My family used to spoil me, but they didn't understand back then that Other End was also family to me. The decision made at that difficult time was fate conspiring against us...

The Captain's Entrance

Spotlights on me! The protagonist takes the stage!