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Her Experiences

Did I not get enough sleep last night or are my eyes deceiving me? How come Miss Michael looked like she levitated over? I rubbed my eyes and, yeah, she was indeed levitating! The Knights of Lumopolis are truly something else! But then came the failure in communication, since she couldn't talk, and I'm incapable of telepathy. So there we were, staring at each other...
Just before I tried to break the awkward ice by offering her tea, %s finally showed up! While the "conversation" between them seemed rather uncomfortably silent, it's better than standing there awkwardly!
Also, I don't get why Miss Michael kept staring at my collar... Is there something wrong with it? I feel so embarrassed!

Her Story (I)

As expected, so capable a Caelestite is. It must not be a simple feat to control a Colossus like this. Can you hear my voice? It's hard to imagine because it has been a long time since I interacted with others like this. It looks like things will be getting interesting in the future.
Did I scare the little lady from the Illumina when I first arrived? Most people avoid me when they see my appearance, so it's natural for her to be afraid of me. What? She was feeling awkward, not scared?
Did I do something to make her feel awkward? Was it because I came 10 minutes early or because I walked too quickly and she couldn't keep up? Don't tell me it was because she noticed me staring at the pin on her collar? I didn't mean to do that, but it was so cute... I'm sorry if that was rude.

Her Story (II)

Troy, the name of my family, is a symbol of power and political tactics in Lumopolis...
Although I can't speak anymore, our family motto is "words are our sharpest weapons." When I was young, while the other children at my age in my family were reading political classics and learning how to speak in an official setting, I was obsessed with physical training and the use of lumina power, not interested in anything other than fighting. My mother hoped I would follow the family tradition and made me learn how to speak as a political official since I was a child to correct my incorrect behaviors, but that didn't stop me from pursuing strength.
However, after that incident, I realized that I had reached the limits of my abilities. I returned to the correct path as my mother wished, but that incident had planted a seed in my heart... It was just waiting for the right time to sprout and grow.
Are you curious about that incident I mentioned? It's getting late today, so maybe I'll tell you next time.

Her Story (III)

Let's chat about the incident that changed my life.
I was still at school and was very confident in my abilities at that time. A powerful Eclipsite appeared in Lower Lumopolis, and I was so confident in myself that I went to fight against it. Although I had ascended to gain the ability to control thunder and lightning, the disparity in our strengths was too great. I was defeated and seriously injured before being rescued by others... Just when I believed I had recognized my failure and decided to follow my family tradition and accept the speech training, a note drifted into my room in the dead of night. It turned out that the so-called incident involving the powerful Eclipsite in Lower Lumopolis was part of my family's conspiracy to seize power... I couldn't accept such despicable tactics that endangered the lives of innocent people.
I distanced myself from my family after that and joined the Lumopolis army. Whenever I fought with the Eclipsites, I would remember the note I received that night and the truth I overheard outside the door that day... As I lost control of my emotions, my ability also went berserk in the torrential rain—my life was changed entirely since then.
I don't hate anyone—I just hate myself for being weak and being part of the Troy family.
That being said, that incident was also a turning point in my destiny.

Her Story (IV)

There was a time when I was called Roshee, but that no longer matters.
My ability went completely berserk after that torrential rain. My Lightning Power had far exceeded the limits of my body. My arms, shoulders, legs, and even my body were all eroded by lightning and left in shreds. My parents also gave up on me at that time. Otto of the Elder Council, who was also my uncle, picked up my broken limbs and took Raphael's advice to send me to the Illumina for treatment regardless of risking his life. As a result, I found rebirth in my death... Now that I think about it, that was also a turning point in my destiny.
The feeling I got from my uncle at that time was familial affection, which was the first and the last time in my life. Although I was grateful to him, it was impossible for me to return to the Troy family. I couldn't accept a life full of trickery and deceit, so I chose to leave.
Roshee no longer exists, and I am no longer related to the Troy family. From now on, I will struggle, survive, and fight like Michael... My life belongs only to me now.