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Suzuko Mimori

Tap on the Colossus Room

I will stay true to my path. My loyalty to Lumopolis stems from this.

I am grateful for Raphael's treatment and to Illumina's help... along the course of my reborn.

White Night up high.

Give me the command and I'll annihilate them all.

She didn't seem to hear me, but her incorporeal flames did dissipate at that time.

She is someone from Illumina who seeks power. This feeling is... familiar—maybe that's the word I'm looking for to describe it.

If I like something, it means I find it interesting.

I've already bid farewell to everything I despise. I'll never look back.

Navigator, the Colossus is gigantic, so don't just park it wherever you want.

Interact with the Colossus Room

There aren't many opportunities for one to reunite with former comrades or to become teammates again.

Change Assistant

Supervision, rectification, error correction, and execution. When do I start working?

Battle Failed

Is this body... not powerful enough?


A victory befitting of my destructive power.

Unleash Chain Combos

No one can escape.

Listen to the thunder roar!

Active Skill is Ready

My thunder and lightning are ready.

Enter the Formation

I'll end things quickly.

Aurorian Ascension I

I don't have to mind about the nonessentials.

Aurorian Ascension II

My Lightning has further awakened.

Aurorian Ascension III

Tremble before Michael!


Should I help this guy cheer up... Oh, sorry, I forgot that you can hear me.

Upgrade Successful

Something is different about me.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

To you who shares a bond with me, Happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hear the calling of my heart? It is inevitable. I will cherish this bond.

The lightning and thunder scared off many and people refuse to listen to the words from behind my mask, but you are different, Navigator.

...You don't need to worry about my loyalty. Even if I have betrayed many people in the past, if Carleen has decided to trust you, then naturally, I won't have any disloyal thoughts.

I remembered something in the past, but they aren't stories as Michael. It's also not a good time to chat now.

The thunder roared even louder, reverberating through my head and body. However, my road ahead is clearer than ever and I won't hesitate anymore like before.

I will use my power to maintain order and change the world with rules—this is the case now and in the future. I am grateful that you have accompanied me down this path till now. Thank you.

I understand that it isn't easy to build bonds with someone who can't speak. I will cherish it.

Thank you for persevering, Navigator. Please forgive me if the voice of my heart wavers from time to time as this is simply due to the revival of some memories from the past.

I am eager for more interaction, but I might not be able to achieve that in my current state... I am already very fortunate that you can listen to my mute words, so I should not ask for more.

Only those who share the same fate as me can hear this voice.

Hmm? I was just meditating and didn't see you. Sorry.

Aren't you afraid of getting close to me? ...Or are you like Raphael and aren't afraid of electric shocks?

To you who shares a bond with me, Happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Good day, Navigator. Any new commands?

Good morning, I did everything you instructed me to do while you were asleep. Awaiting your new orders?

Navigator, don't worry as I'm on standby and am ready for your instructions whenever.

Good evening, and don't worry, because I'm always on standby for your commands... I remember I should say good night.

Spring Festival Voice

To you who shares a bond with me, Happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Michael, the ruler of silent thunder and lightning. Whether you heard me or not, that's the end of my self-introduction. It's time to get to work.

Receiving a gift

...Um... Well... Okay...

Thank you for giving me so many gifts.

Receiving a preferred gift

Oh, I guess I kind of like this...

I like it. I like this. I want it. T-thank you...

Release Active Skill

Do you want to race with thunder and lightning?

Let the roaring thunder will tear you apart!


Guide me.

Aurorian Trivia I

I've always been different from the other members of my family since I was young. You may have heard of the Troy Family before, which is a symbol of tactics and mouthpiece... That's why I have always been out of place.

Aurorian Trivia II

I ascended and gained my powers on a rainy day—no, to be precise, it happened after I was tricked and betrayed. I don't hate him though; just disappointed in my own weakness.

Aurorian Trivia III

In the end, I was reborn through my death. Many helped me, and I have repaid them with my actions. But bonds that have been lost can never be regained, and I can only continue along my own path...

The Captain's Entrance

Can anyone keep up with me?