Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Maria Naganawa

Tap on the Colossus Room

Lumopolis is so cool! I was accepted when I had no place to go to. Besides, they support my research!

Illumina is great, too! I used to play missiles with everyone there as a student!

White Night up high!

Unfortunately, they can't be saved... Eradication is the only option.

I wish I could have been with her then, even though Gabriel kept saying she didn't care. But still...!

Little Michaela looks much better these days... She really scared everyone at the beginning.

I will continue my medical research. I will keep on exploring and experimenting with the hope of curing everyone one day!

The patients that can't be saved... Being unable to save my patients is the most annoying thing ever...

Oh, I've seen a Colossus before! This white one of yours looks great!

Interact with the Colossus Room

Hope I won't receive any more complaints! I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused...

Change Assistant

Leave it to me! I think should be able to handle it! No, I definitely can! St. John's work smile—activated!!

Battle Failed

I'm sorry, please let me try again! Just once! Pleeease!!


With me here, nobody's getting injured! Yeah!

Unleash Chain Combos


Holy water everywhere!

Active Skill is Ready

Wait for me! One second!

Enter the Formation

Hey, everyone! I'm here!

Aurorian Ascension I

Thank you! You are a person of true wit!

Aurorian Ascension II

Now it's an improved version of Raphael!!

Aurorian Ascension III

I'll exert every effort to live up to John's honor!!


Another free day. I'm so important to everyone, so I can't let them down... Perhaps I should burn the midnight oil and prepare something new again.

Upgrade Successful

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

Woo-hoo! Happy New Year!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Oh, I'm sorry, is it me again?! Huh? Just an ordinary greeting?

Ahhh, when can I finally become the support everyone trusts unconditionally?... Maybe tomorrow?!

What am I doing, you ask? Oh, it's no big deal, just some holy water shells... But I'm not quite sure whether they heal or hurt.

Look at the new medicine I developed! It will definitely come in handy this time, hah! I call it the Almighty Supreme Healing Shell!

Carleeeen... Where are you..? You haven't assigned me anything today! Why do you keep forgetting?!

Ooh... These are all thank-you letters from the ones I healed! I've collected only a few of them throughout all these years, but I still get emotional every time I read them...

Um, can I ask you a favor, Raphael? Just volunteer for my clinical trial, please! Hey, why are you backing up?

Hey... This is the arm I accidentally removed from a patient last time... Would you be so kind as to give it back to her? Tee-hee...

Anyone requiring medical attention here?! Who? Where?! Raphael and her Savior #5, ready for action! You're all safe now! I think?

Anyone looking for me? Is it you? ARE YOU HURT?

You're all too kind! Always saying that I need more rest...

My canines grew again... Why... oh why is it only my teeth that grow?

Woo-hoo! Happy New Year!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Oh, you're back!

Good morning! I'm in high spirits today. Are you not? Here, let me lend you a helping hand!

It doesn't matter! I can still accept more patients! You, maybe? Do you need healing?

You need a good night's sleep to be in high spirits! Have you had a good rest? Let me help you!

Spring Festival Voice

Woo-hoo! Happy New Year!

Obtain an Aurorian

I am Raphael! I will help you in any way I can. Pleased to meet you!

Receiving a gift

Oh, so I can receive gifts as well?

Thank you so much! I'm so happy!

Receiving a preferred gift

Oh, how interesting! Thanks!

This is...? Can I take it?? Whoa...

Release Active Skill

Launching all missiles! I'm not kidding!!

Firing holy water shells!


Umm... Okay! I guess!

Aurorian Trivia I

It was very hard in the past, especially the wandering days with the master... Oh, forgive me! I shouldn't be telling you such things!

Aurorian Trivia II

Have you ever heard of the John family? Very famous. If it wasn't for us, I don't know how many people would have died... Huh? Never heard of it?!

Aurorian Trivia III

Master, I've grown up. I've met a lot of good people, and now I can help with healing, too. Now watch me closely from above...

The Captain's Entrance

Raphael is taking on this important mission calmly!