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Her Experiences

From appearance alone, Migard is indeed one tall, cool chick—if only she wasn't such a flirt. She has only been here for less than an hour and all the ladies on the Colossus have already fallen for her charms! I'm glad I got away as quickly as I did, or it would've been difficult to escape.
She might look laidback and undisciplined, but supposedly is scary when she gets serious... According to her, anyway. I guess I'll believe it when I see it.
After all, I just cannot imagine her ever being serious.

Her Story (I)

Are you the Navigator for this Colossus, young fellow? I heard you were trapped here for 17 years? Hard for me to imagine being stuck here for that long. It must have been boring! I walked around and didn't even see a laboratory on board! Even I probably couldn't make it that long! Not that chilling out for 17 years is a bad thing.
Don't take it the wrong way. I don't mess around all day, and you know that's true if you've seen Diving Spines... Well, let's call it a creature for now. Not that I'm not patient enough to explain it, just that I don't want to talk about it right now, so let's wait till later.
Anyway, about that girl I saw when I boarded... Vice, right? Yeah, I'm interested in her.

Her Story (II)

Do you still remember the Diving Spines I mentioned? It's a magical creature I created. I made it just for fun and never expected it to be my war pal.
You want to see it? You serious, young fellow? I'm not joking. I don't want you to be spooked by how it looks. Those who saw it described it as a giant spine. Of course, it moves, somewhat like the Colossus, but just as many called it terrifying. To me, I thought it looked rather adorable. Since you want to see it, I'll show it to you. I don't think it's any different than a puppy or kitten, myself.
Soon after I created it, I realized I would rather focus on strengthening my own abilities, so I forced myself to stop at just Diving Spines. More precisely, I was forced to, since I paid a big price already.
You want to know what it was? Haven't you heard of the saying "Curiosity kills the cat"?

Her Story (III)

Back for a second round? Why are you so curious? Is it because the Colossus is similar to Diving Spines? No? It's because you cared about me? Don't flatter me so much, young fellow, though it won't hurt to tell you, anyway.
Ever noticed my left eye? Hope it doesn't frighten you, but as you can see, no pupil there, except for "fissures" and the branches coming out of the back of my head. That's the proof of my connection with Diving Spines. It's exactly what you think. It did make me stronger, but my experiments almost destroyed the entire Undercity 9.
Fortunately, it turned out for the better, since I'm much more careful now.

Her Story (IV)

I might look like I'm just messing around now, but don't underestimate me, young fellow. This is the ideal situation because even if I start to get busy, that means a war's coming, doesn't it?
But I'm not idle all the time. I know almost everything that goes on in Gannon City. Still, you think I'm a slacker? Do you think I'm lying to you, young fellow? Do you realize what Diving Spines usually does? It is not absolutely bound to me all the time. Of course, it follows my orders, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make its own choices. It has its own will, and I tend to not get in the way. Where I'm not, it's there for me, watching every move in Gannon, keeping it safe.
Gannon is my home, after all. So naturally, it's my priority. As for why I don't do it myself... If I have to do everything personally, what's the point of creating Diving Spines?