Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Celebration at Red-Eye Gorge

Celebration at Red-Eye Gorge
Sinsa suddenly invites you to a celebration held by Rediesel Wrench and hints that he'll need to you take care of Dawn. When you arrive, you find out that this celebration is held to welcome your arrival.

Eve's "Bomb"

Eve's "Bomb"
Why is Eve looking for things like gunpowder and sulfur in the middle of the night? What could she be up to?

Look at Me

Look at Me
Eve got a strange outfit from somewhere and wants to wear it to cheer everyone on at the Rediesel Wrench's Popularity Contest.

Wishes in Wind

Wishes in Wind
You go on a trip to the countryside with Eve, who comes across many dandelions scattered across the meadows. After a brief moment of reflection, she sends her wishes floating into the breeze along with the dandelions.