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Ai Kakuma

Tap on the Colossus Room

Here in the realm of nature, we are free to convey our love and hopes however we so desire.

One day, I will return to Northland... Back to that warm forest. One day...

You must have faith that the Courier Union will always deliver.

Chaos and disorder... I am certain they are not products of nature.

Her Majesty is the envoy of nature's power, guiding the way for every lost child.

The snowman with wings? That's Tweety. She is a simple and kind child.

Every creature in this world was born by the will of nature, and each is beautiful in its own way.

The warmth my mother brought me can be found in this cape. It protects me from the cold.

My fireflies and your fireflies, Caelestites and Aurorians, the Colossus and nature... We live in a wonderful world.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Have you heard the call of nature?

Change Assistant

The environment here is more agreeable than expected, and I am pleased to accept this mission from nature. I hope my arrival will not disappoint you.

Battle Failed

Maybe this is also nature's plan...


This is nature's praise for us.

Unleash Chain Combos

Dance upon the wind.

Firefly Forest!

Active Skill is Ready

Let's go, Bessie.

Enter the Formation

Follow your heart.

Aurorian Ascension I

Hear the song of the wind...

Aurorian Ascension II

Witness the dance of water...

Aurorian Ascension III

Feel the breath of freedom...


I see a light in your eyes that is different from any Aurorian's. May I guess what's on your mind?

Upgrade Successful

I can hear it... The call of nature.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

The new year brings new life, which is always worth welcoming.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

You ask me what freedom is? This is a good question. But before I give you my reply, wouldn't you rather find your own answers?

Please forgive me—introductions are in order. Bessie is my deer, and Olive and Palm are my cuckoos. They are not only my Speakers, they are also my most sincere friends.

These little things glowing in my bag are fireflies, but they're not like the ones on the Colossus. They have been with me ever since we were in Windward Forest.

The moment I serenely accepted my fate, I saw time flowing and space expanding, and I knew that freedom had opened its doors to me.

Seeing me brings good luck...? Does such a rumor really exist? On the off chance it is true, I'd like to pass this luck on to you.

Yes, I can communicate with animals and plants, just as you can connect with others telepathically. These are our natural gifts.

If you wish to see me, please whisper my name in your heart. Nature will guide me to your side again.

I asked Bessie to go for a walk with me and we unexpectedly ran into you. Perhaps that was Bessie's intention—she does like you very much, after all.

Olive and Palm are singing a song about you. Who would have guessed you would make such a deep impression on the both of them?

Perhaps you never noticed, but the power of nature was always by your side, guiding you.

The wind tells the clouds, the clouds tell the rain, the rain tells the earth, and the earth tells the wind... All things will eventually find an answer.

How do you do? Any mail for Lumopolis?

The new year brings new life, which is always worth welcoming.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

I sometimes need to deal with urgent Courier Union matters, but nothing too difficult. How about you?

Sorry, Olive and Palm always sing like this when they wake up. Did they disturb you?

Shall we go for a walk? Let's take Bessie with us. We can get some rest in the forest depths.

I unexpectedly met you in my dreams... Perhaps you will be the one to guide me onward...

Spring Festival Voice

The new year brings new life, which is always worth welcoming.

Obtain an Aurorian

I have been waiting to meet you for so long. Now, the power of nature has finally guided me to you. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Naroxel.

Receiving a gift

Thank you. You needn't have troubled yourself.

It has a natural smell. I like it.

Receiving a preferred gift

Thank you for your kindness. I will accept it.

How do you know exactly what I like...? Is nature guiding you?

Release Active Skill

Let nature take its course.

Go with nature!


I await your guidance.

Aurorian Trivia I

When I was very young, I met Bessie, Olive, Palm, and these fireflies in Windward Forest. Since then, we have never been apart.

Aurorian Trivia II

Bessie helped me to realize my place and mission in this world. I must follow the guidance of nature and continue to move forward to complete my reincarnation in the natural realm.

Aurorian Trivia III

My parents loved me as if I were their own daughter. Although there are many luxurious clothes in the stores of Lumopolis, I feel the homemade clothes sent to me by my mother are the most comfortable there are.

The Captain's Entrance

Come with me.