Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Her Experiences

One day, a sudden knock came at the gate of the Colossus. When %s and I opened the gate, we found an Aurorian standing there. Shiny pistol in hand and glasses perched on the tip of her nose, a disdainful face greeted us. I'll give her this, Allura really knows how to make an entrance. I couldn't help but feel on edge. Unexpectedly, she calmly took out her pocket watch, glanced at it, then told us that she had been waiting 330.6 seconds from the moment she knocked at the gate to the moment we opened it. She then proceeded to tell us that she could have completed eleven bounties and picked up eleven rewards during that time... but that she'd forgive us if we sold this big antique to her for 11 Nightium. After asking what she was talking about, %s and I realized that the big antique was the Colossus. I quickly told her that the Colossus wasn't for sale. She actually tried bargaining for a while before realizing that %s would never sell the Colossus, but when she heard that Aurorians lived here, she immediately decided to move in, saying, "Living in this antique is the next best thing compared to buying it."
I later found out that she tries her best to complete as many requests as she can every day, as she is saving up money to open a shop... Turns out we might actually have a lot in common when it comes to financial matters!

Her Story (I)

Oh, %s, it's you. No, it's nothing, I just don't have any quests scheduled for today, so I thought I'd come check out the furnishings around here. Those flying things... They're called Fireflies, right? I never thought I'd find so many little rare antiques in a big antique like this Colossus. I have to say, as collectors go, you have pretty good taste. Huh? Knowing about antiques is impressive, you say? I've always loved looking at them, ever since I was a child. I'd often sneak out of the house to go to antique stores and exhibitions. I thought this was just a hobby I'd slowly developed by myself, but I later learned that my biological parents were antique collectors. They died before I could remember their faces... I don't even know what they looked like.
But blood doesn't lie, does it? My gift and passion for antiques come from them, so I don't feel sad that they're gone. In fact, I'm trying to save up enough money to open an antique shop to make them proud of having a daughter like me.

Her Story (II)

Opening an antique shop seems like a really distant dream for me... Why? Well, that's simple—I don't have enough money. But that's not to say I'm going to give up just because my dream is far away. I've been training myself to become a mercenary over the years, and I've gotten pretty good at it. No matter how difficult a quest is, as long as the pay is good, I'll take it on. Why did I choose to become a mercenary? I didn't have any other choice, %s... My adoptive mother was a mercenary. She made enough money from it to raise me. Well, that's one reason. The other reason... I'll never forget the day Eclipsites raided my hometown, Maida Mesa... They killed my mother. When I realized that I was all alone in the world, something snapped in my brain. I stood up and remembered everything my mother had taught me, accepting quests and giving them my all. But back then, I had zero skills. I was living from job to job, but somehow, I survived. Now, there's nothing I fear more than having no money... Don't get me wrong, money's not all I care about. It's just that, what money can do... it appeals to me more than anything else in this world.

Her Story (III)

After wandering around my hometown for a few years, I overheard a traveling merchant talking about how Umbraton had been rebuilt, and that there were more business opportunities there than anywhere else on the continent. So, I quietly followed the merchant and came to Umbraton. Sure enough, the streets of Umbraton were really busy, but I couldn't find any of these opportunities the merchant had been talking about. Things got really bad... sometimes I had to secretly steal other people's food, just so I wouldn't starve.
Things continued like that until one day, when I was desperate and trying to steal some food once again, I suddenly saw a black feather floating before my eyes, and a little girl with wings flew and landed in front of me. She said that she remembered me... and I remembered her, too—it was Eho. After my adoptive mother died, I collapsed in my house. It was Eho who woke me up with her wings. Back then, she was just an assistant, following behind her tutor. But now she has become a qualified courier.
She told me that she sometimes did part-time surveillance work, and that she was on her way to monitor the area for thieves. She patted me with her wings and hurried off to work. Perhaps if Eho hadn't snapped me out of that rut I was in, I would've ended up getting arrested for thieving... or perhaps even worse.

Her Story (IV)

At first, I was only offered simple requests, and that was all I could handle at the time. Eventually, I earned the trust of the Courier Union and began to help them escort valuable goods all over the continent. I was really pleased with that job. After all, not only was I getting paid, I was also getting to practice my skills against the Eclipsites I ran into during my delivery requests. At first, I just wanted to take them down, but soon, it just became too easy. I started to set targets for myself, like telling myself that I had to hit a certain part of an Eclipsite to complete the challenge... Over time, the name Allura became synonymous with the word "sharpshooter," and the requests started piling up. One day, I received a request from the Istvan Gang. The request was for me to join them. I'd long heard that the Istvan Gang was synonymous with "money," so naturally, there was no way I'd pass up a chance like that. I still take on some part-time work from the Courier Union when I have time. Maybe soon, I'll finally have my own antique shop...
All right, bring it over. Huh? The money, of course. You think I'd waste time standing around, telling stories for free?