Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Tap on the Colossus Room

You'll always be well-informed in Umbraton. Some secret missions pay more.

The Illumina Federation feels like a place built on faith...

Hera never closes its eyes.

Just as I thought... Worthless.

I hear Sheol started from scratch, too. Maybe we should talk...

Eho's cute... If only she wasn't always trying to sell me something.

The silent magic of antique clocks, ticking on though nobody's listening...

Pink? You're lucky that I was taught to be polite... Don't let me see this color again.

Can we shrink it down? It won't fit into my shop like this.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Stop staring at me! I need to select, identify, appraise... I'm busy! But that doesn't mean I can't stare at a treasure like you!

Change Assistant

Did you post this mission? Even if it's you, you'll still need to pay me, but I'll only make you pay 97.6% of the price. How's that for a discount?

Battle Failed

Was it all worth it...?


How much did we make?

Unleash Chain Combos

Now, let me see...

You can see yourself out!

Active Skill is Ready

Ready to appraise.

Enter the Formation

Oh, you chose me.

Aurorian Ascension I

One step closer.

Aurorian Ascension II

Success depends on careful calculation.

Aurorian Ascension III

I'm not far from achieving my goal.


It's been 5 hours, 25 minutes, and 45 seconds since I received my last mission. Ah... Free time. It always seems slightly unreal to me.

Upgrade Successful

Thanks. I'll add it to my collection.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year! I hope that, one day, we can all realize our dreams.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

A good hunter should be precise in all things, from missions to hobbies alike.

My glasses help me see more clearly, and clearer cognition leads to better results.

Are you curious about me? Want to know more? The secret of my marksmanship? Pay up, and I'll tell you everything you want to know.

Any more news? I'm all ears. If it's about antiques, even better.

The most precious treasures are often those hidden in the heart.

Hairline cracks, damaged enamel, an incomplete base... None of those can hide the real value of the rarest treasures. No matter what, they will always be priceless wonders.

I know everything. I've seen everything you've done and everything you're capable of. That's why I choose to stand here, among noble and rare people like you.

I'd like to share some of today's bounty with you... Not enough? Sorry, that's all I got today.

I'm thinking about opening an antique shop. I'll consider giving you a discount if you come.

Think of me, when you need a job done.

Sorry for staring... I'm a sniper—I can't help it!

Can you put the candles away? I'm not really a fan of fire.

Happy New Year! I hope that, one day, we can all realize our dreams.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Eyes open! This is the best time to take on a mission.

I'd be greeting my customers right now... if I had a shop...

I hear Umbraton's shops offer discounts around this time.

Listening to the ticking of the pocket watch during the silent night always makes me sleep sweet and sound.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! I hope that, one day, we can all realize our dreams.

Obtain an Aurorian

How may I help? If it's high-risk, high-reward, Allura's your girl.

Receiving a gift

Thanks. How much did this thing set you back?

Ah, such a familiar feeling... Thank you very much.

Receiving a preferred gift

I'll take good care of it.

Thank you. I think this may be the best piece I've ever received.

Release Active Skill

A true connoisseur!

Worthless fakes!


Life is to be treasured.

Aurorian Trivia I

Why so obsessed with antiques? My parents were collectors before they died, so it is both a gift and my birthright. There's no need to comfort me—I'm no longer sad for them.

Aurorian Trivia II

Of course, I was full of resentment for everything when I was little, but the truth is... people will eventually learn what love is as life goes on. What? Surprised to hear me say such a thing?

Aurorian Trivia III

Carrying on their love, reviving their desires to live, and repaying those who have helped me are the things that matter most to me. Well, that and making money.

The Captain's Entrance

This better be worth my time.