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Her Experiences

One day, I suddenly heard the sound of sobbing. After searching around for ages, I came upon Cordy wiping her tears away, with %s standing beside her... How dare %s bully the Sheriff of the Illumina Federation in broad daylight? I immediately rushed over to reprimand %s. To my surprise, Cordy rubbed her eyes and told me that I was mistaken.
It turned out that after Cordy came to the Colossus, she took it upon herself to undertake the task of maintaining public order here. %s was trying to persuade Cordy not to push herself too hard, but Cordy thought %s was calling her out on her incompetence, and so she showed %s the baton she practices with so often. As a result, while trying to prevent %s from being hurt, Cordy accidentally hit herself with her own baton...
After discovering that it was just a misunderstanding, I turned to head back to work, but Cordy stopped me. She said that I was now under suspicion of maliciously slandering others, and as sheriff, she hoped that I would make an official apology to %s. I... well, what else could I do? Of course, I apologized to %s as sincerely as I could.

Her Story (I)

Waaah... Navigator, I-I'm alright. I just finished a challenging and taxing task and h-haven't had the chance to take a breath. I-Is there anything I can do for you? Don't worry about me. I'm ready for action. You mean, you want to hear my story? Of course, no problem at all!
I was born to a happy little family in Gannon City. Ever since I was very young, I always heard people saying, "Cordy's parents had a child at such an old age, but they really spoilt that girl too much." But back then, I didn't even know what the word "spoilt" meant. After I started school, I found a huge difference between school life and home life. I had to eat by myself and clean up, too, and I couldn't understand anything my teachers said... Whenever I tried to explain myself, I found myself out of breath from crying. Then, everyone gathered around me and laughed at me for being too soft...

Her Story (II)

I locked myself in my room and refused to go to school. My parents didn't scold me. Instead, they prepared a table full of delicious food for me and told me they would always support me in whatever I chose to do. I filled my mouth as tears filled my eyes and asked my parents how to get along with my classmates. My parents just told me that no one would bully me as long as I remained strong and helpful to others. I swallowed my tears along with my food and secretly decided that from now on, I will help others at least 5 times a day!
The next day, I summoned up the courage to go back to school. I helped the other students clean up the classroom, reminded everyone to eat breakfast on time, and then reminded them to eat lunch on time... This tactic worked a treat! Not only did they stop laughing at me, they even praised me and said they wanted to follow my example! So, to this day, I have been holding fast to this principle of helping others at least 5 times a day!
Hmm... maybe I should count telling you my story as one for today!

Her Story (III)

One day, I saw several children gathering in a crowd, bullying a little girl on the way home from school. Watching the little girl turn red and cry out in protest, I couldn't help but think of myself... If I were that girl, I'd hope that someone would come and save me from them.
So, I plucked up my courage and ran over to teach the bullies a lesson and chased them all away. The little girl said, "Thanks, big sis." Her tear-stained face finally revealing a sweet smile... It was at that moment, I finally realized the true meaning of helping others. It was also at that moment I found my calling in life. I was destined to be someone great... Someone who would help the weak and fight for justice! A sheriff! Yes, I wanted to be a sheriff!
With this idea planted firmly in my mind, I walked into the examination hall to take the sheriff's exam.

Her Story (IV)

I recited all the rules and public security management methods perfectly during the exam, but I was a complete mess and couldn't stop crying... There's such a huge gap between theory and practice, you know!
As a result, I wasn't selected. But fortunately, Officer Nemesis persuaded the other examiners to give me an internship as a trainee sheriff! I knew I couldn't waste this hard-won opportunity, so I tried my best to prove myself on the streets. I escorted lost children home, helped old ladies cross the road, and found lost items for everyone... I wanted them all to know that although the bawling newbie they all laughed about sometimes couldn't control her tears, she would never think twice about throwing herself into the fray!
Finally, my efforts were recognized by the officers. After a longer internship than most others, I officially became an esteemed sheriff.
So, that's my story. If you have any questions, you can come and find me at any time. I will always do my best to help you!