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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator who summons pets that attack every time an Active is cast.



(S+ (T))


+T: Extremely high DPR on both single- and multi-tile content

+Low-CD Active Skill allows for consistent turn-to-turn DPR

+Very little damage goes to waste because of how Frankels spread DPR out over turns

+Significantly higher than average mobbing power compared to most competitive Detonators

+Fun synergies with many of Water's meta DPS units

+She's our mascot!


-Offers no utility

-Requires setup in both teambuilding and in play to optimize damage output

-Competes for Captain slot with Azure


Bethel's kit best works with specialized teams, which initially led to her being underrated. Over time, she has established herself as a solid damage dealer in all forms of stages; while Bethel offers no utility, her damage stays high over time and also scales well on single-target enemies. This is especially true when she is paired with teammates with low cooldowns, though her performance is respectable without it.

Bethel's Active summons her pet Frankel on its target tile, with a maximum of two Frankels being able to coexist on the board at once. These Frankels then attack in one surrounding cluster for any active skill used by her team; if there is only one enemy it attacks it with a scratch, else it hits all surrounding enemies with a slightly weaker roar. This effect also activates when a Frankel is in range of her chain combo, while also warping Frankel to the nearest enemy - though it is worth noting Bethel's chain does not include the tile she was standing on. Finally, if stepped on, Frankels will roar and disappear.

Though Bethel requires some conscientious play to truly maximize due to these factors, her efficiency across all forms of content combined with her potent synergies make it well worth the effort.