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Togashi Misuzu

Tap on the Colossus Room

Those on the path of ninjutsu do not ask to be remembered by history.

I heard about a place called Umbraton on the other side of the sea. It sounds very much like a gathering spot for ninja.

Do not talk of what you do, and endure what you must in silence.

I hope their souls will eventually find peace.

Master gave me a second chance at life. I'm willing to do anything in return.

How can Yao always wear this cheerful and innocent smile when she was born into such a chaotic era?

I love a hot bath. People like me need to maintain a neutral scent.

War is accompanied by lies, betrayal, and separation by death. But only weapons and violence can drive war away.

I once heard a street storyteller talk about a giant winged mythical animal. Could this be it?

Interact with the Colossus Room

Tell me. Where is the secret path?

Change Assistant

You mean... I should stay here and keep an eye on the enemy? No? You want me to do something I enjoy? That's a very hard request.

Battle Failed

It's not shameful to hide or escape. Stay alive so you can fight again.


A small victory is not worth celebrating.

Unleash Chain Combos

Ninjutsu - Relentless!

A steel blade shows no mercy!

Active Skill is Ready

Ready when you are.

Enter the Formation

I already snuck into the queue.

Aurorian Ascension I

I'm getting better with throwing weapons.

Aurorian Ascension II

I've learned... an arcane ninjutsu power!

Aurorian Ascension III

I can even conceal myself in broad daylight.


Don't worry, I'm used to loneliness and waiting. I'll report to you at once if there's any sign of trouble.

Upgrade Successful

More entries to add to my ninja scroll.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

May the new year bring you a good harvest.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

The ninja scroll behind me contains all sorts of ninjutsu and training exercises. You want to see it? Okay, but use it with extreme caution or you might lose your mind completely.

You want to know how many kinds of weapons I'm carrying? Don't ask other ninjas that question. You'll regret it deeply.

Don't you think Kunai is an interesting name for a weapon? It sounds so harmless.

Will you find me boring? Heh. I actually don't mind. Behind every smile lies a boring soul. Don't you agree?

Rin, Pyo, Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen! This is the Kuji-kiri, the nine symbolic cuts! Memorize it!

Ninjutsu has three taboos: A heart of fear, a heart of humiliation, and a heart of worries. Put these three aside and you'll be able to dash about at lightning speed.

Have you heard the sound of the wind blowing across a rice field? I used to fall asleep to that rustling sound when I was little. However, carefree days never last, isn't that so?

I'm impressed that you endured 17 long and lonely years under the ground... This is good enough to go on my ninja scroll!

I'll probably still be here guarding Cloud Island even after every resident has found peace and happiness. Or maybe that would be the time for me to join you on your travels?

Don't get the wrong idea... I hide in the dark because I yearn for the light.

I believe in fate. It brought me down the path of ninjutsu and I will never look back.

I keep sleeping pills under my bamboo hat. But they're not for people who suffer from insomnia.

May the new year bring you a good harvest.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

I advise you not to peep at my ninjutsu training, unless you want to join our school.

You're awake? You slept like a baby. How do I know? Don't you remember my profession?

This time of day, ordinary people get together with their family and share a meal.

Still awake? Either you're on your guard against me, or you must be into ninja training.

Spring Festival Voice

May the new year bring you a good harvest.

Obtain an Aurorian

Ride the wind into the night. Become one with the shadows. Linger in the depths of Cloud Mountain. Rest under the starry sky. I'm Amemori, please let me know how I can help.

Receiving a gift

Is this the deposit for the next quest?

Thank you for your kindness.

Receiving a preferred gift

I like it quite a lot.

No one but my master has ever given me such a precious gift.

Release Active Skill

Ninjutsu! Fly across the eaves!

Insight! Shadow Tracer!


I've been waiting for my orders.

Aurorian Trivia I

I was born into a peasant family when war was ravaging Cloud Island. I had no passion for martial arts. All I ever cared about was the harvest.

Aurorian Trivia II

The soldiers set our entire village on fire. As I watched the orange flames and scarlet blood I thought, why is it always the kind people who die?

Aurorian Trivia III

Her sword reflected cold white beams, flashing across my eyes. I knew she was my only hope.

The Captain's Entrance

Order received.