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Her Experiences

I always knew this day would come. Chief Vivian just informed me that the Grand Marshal has planned a visit to the Colossus!
Grand Marshal Reinhardt, supreme ruler of the Illumina Federation, the most respected and beloved hero of Illumina, and one of Chief Vivian's most idolized Aurorians... is coming to visit the Colossus!
I had to stay calm and keep my composure... If the Colossus can leave a good first impression on the Grand Marshal, %s might receive more assistance from Illumina. I asked %s to arrange the Fireflies for a thorough clean-up. Fresh fruits and vegetables were stocked, and irascible residents on the Colossus were appeased... But... I was so tired that I fell asleep right before the Grand Marshal's visit!
When I woke up, she'd already left. Very much ashamed, I expected the Grand Marshal to be angry and disappointed but apparently she told %s to appreciate my hard work for the Colossus and take good care of me.
Hmm... I guess this reception was a success. Heheh.

Her Story (I)

This is my first time hearing that a guest has to lay bare their heart and talk about their life experiences when they visit someone's place. Unless, of course, you have other ulterior motives?
Hahaha! Feeling nervous? It isn't a demeanor that the owner of a Colossus should have! However, you are still young, so time will shape you into what you should be like. When I was on my way to report to the 1st Legion the year I graduated from the military academy, I recall feeling both nervous and excited for the unknown future. It is beyond reproach that young people love to immerse themselves in emotions, but in reality, we're better off using our time taking action. In Illumina, you will find that soldiers spend their time on things like physical training, tactics planning, expeditions against Eclipsites, and defending our homeland.
So tell me, what do you want to do now?

Her Story (II)

Why are you asking me about Wrath? Haha! I know what you mean. We were the best of friends back in our military academy days. Isn't that what you wanted to hear? No worries, it's reasonable for you to have doubts. After all, skeptics are the ones who drive the world forward, because questions bring us closer to truths. As the Grand Marshal of Illumina, I have nothing to hide from the public, be it my experiences or messages between family and friends. In other words, everyone knows that Illumina's Guard Legion Commander Wrath is once a good friend of mine back in our schooldays.
What? Don't you understand? It's not that your doubts do not exist in Illumina. But Wrath is frank and forthright, and her stellar reputation precedes her as a commander. Oh, you were asking me... my impression of Wrath as a friend? Heh, who could've thought you were such a nosy young person?

Her Story (III)

The only reason we have the privilege of enjoying a leisurely life today is because generations of Illuminans have used their blood and tears to build lines of defense and given innumerable lives to hold the Eclipsites at bay. All inexperienced recruits assume they will become heroes that end Eclipsite invasions. Yet after stepping onto the battlefield, they break into a cold sweat amid the dense Darkflow, watch their comrades torn apart ruthlessly, and have difficulty raising their weapons from the pain... Would you continue fighting?
It's not an easy decision, is it? However, all Illuminans choose to continue! This is the spirit of Illumina, and this is the duty of every Illuminan, for we know we bear the weight of innumerable lives on our shoulders.
It is because we once struggled for our lives that we now cherish the ordinary. I'm sure you know where I'm coming from, %s, because I firmly believe that Caelestites once disregarded their own safety to fight against their enemies with everything they had. You are living proof of this fact. Likewise, the reason I am Grand Marshal is not because I'm perfect, but simply because I was the only one who survived.

Her Story (IV)

Some foreign friends consider us prejudiced and unreasonable, but I reckon that they've never come to Illumina before. If like you, they came and made a few friends, they'd realize quite quickly that neither 2nd Legion Commander Sharona nor 3rd Legion Commander Hiiro are native Illuminans. They were able to rise in the ranks to their current positions and have their names included in the Illumina Federation thanks to their capabilities, mindset, and ambitions.
What's that? "Names can be erased easily," huh? Haha, I'm glad that the Caelestites left behind such a bold, intelligent descendant. You are right. Suppose an Illuminan breaks Illuminan law, challenges the Federation's bottom line, and causes irreversible damage. In that case, the Illumina Federation would take away the individual's rights and even their name, even if they were the Grand Marshal's kin.
There is no need to be shocked. I too have long since lost all of my kin. However, all soldiers who march forward with the Illuminan flag held high are my kin. Will you become one of them?