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Marina Inoue

Tap on the Colossus Room

Backgrounds and pasts don't matter. As long as one's heart is aligned with Illumina, anyone can find their potential here.

I don't agree with how Lumopolis is treating its people, but there are still things we can learn from it.

For my compatriots, my homeland, and Splendor Illumina!

Eclipsites have always been our enemies, but to be frank, things are never as simple as they look.

Vivian's obsession with agendas and scheduling is not suitable for battle, though it's certainly useful when it comes to logistics.

I'm not threatened by Wrath's ambitions at all. Quite the opposite, she's a constant reminder for me to keep pushing myself forward.

I'm not into fine dining. A large pot of risotto is the best comfort food for both appetite and soul.

To all resentful deserters, the world doesn't owe you anything.

Yes, Soroz is robust and spacious, perfect for military transportation.

Interact with the Colossus Room

This place makes a perfect base!

Change Assistant

It's rare that I have time off. Let's see what you've been up to these days.

Battle Failed

Keep fighting and keep pressing forward!


We shall triumph!

Unleash Chain Combos

Pierce through all!

Come, my spear!

Active Skill is Ready

Time waits for no one!

Enter the Formation

Oh? A soldier ordering a general around?

Aurorian Ascension I

The power is not mine alone.

Aurorian Ascension II

That's right, be strong and get stronger!

Aurorian Ascension III

My beloved spear shall blaze for me!


As a young person with great ambitions, you should not procrastinate or squander opportunities.

Upgrade Successful

That can't be all!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

You must work hard to fulfill your New Year's resolutions.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

It's easy to start a war, but difficult to end one. Tell me, Navigator, are you prepared?

No one can determine the victor of a war until it's truly over. The only thing we can do is to stay determined.

Remember, don't lose your way. Truth is often hidden behind a curtain.

If you have doubts about me, feel free to interrogate me directly. This privilege applies not only to you, but to everyone else in Illumina as well.

Keep pushing past your limits and improving yourself. Only those with strong spirits and moral integrity are admired and respected.

Don't fear these scars, Navigator. They're a badge of honor for a soldier like me. I'm sure you understand that physical pain is nothing compared to mental anguish.

I believe Illumina's military training can help you improve quickly. However, speed is not always a good thing.

Are you reading strategy books now? Let's take a look... Hmm, some of the analysis is spot-on, but the methods are pretty outdated. Haha well, that's all I'll say for now. I'm happy to discuss more after you're done with it.

As a soldier you must learn to trust your comrades, while as a leader, you must be able to discern lies... When you're good at both, perhaps you'll get how I feel.

There are no incompetent soldiers, only unskilled generals. I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say.

When you feel down, eat to your heart's content! The stomach is our second brain and we must take good care of it.

Deserters are punished harshly in Illumina. You know why? Because running away is never a permanent solution. Failing to solve a problem is not shameful but avoiding it is, don't you agree?

You must work hard to fulfill your New Year's resolutions.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hungry? I guess you're still growing! Have some more risotto and get stronger!

Morning! Did I scare you? The first thing you say every morning must be loud and clear. Let me hear your answer!

It's getting dark but there's still more time to get work done.

Do the right thing at the right time. A diligent person doesn't have to sacrifice their sleep.

Spring Festival Voice

You must work hard to fulfill your New Year's resolutions.

Obtain an Aurorian

Navigator, you're a boon to all of Astra. Show me what else you can bring to the table.

Receiving a gift

I'm not obsessed with physical gifts, but thanks, nonetheless.

Thank you. I'll make good use of it.

Receiving a preferred gift

Ah, very thoughtful of you.

Hey now, don't waste all your wits on this.

Release Active Skill

You're about to witness true power!

Let this be the end.


Show me your command skills!

Aurorian Trivia I

I'm not much different from other Illumina soldiers. Fighting is my duty. Since the day I first showed up in a battle, nothing could stop my blade from slashing my enemies.

Aurorian Trivia II

Wrath and I certainly were desk mates in school. But that has nothing to do with her rise through the ranks. Her abilities are obvious to all. Are you satisfied with this answer?

Aurorian Trivia III

I promoted Sharona and Hiiro to Legion Commander because of their exceptional skills. I'm not stingy about giving people opportunities, but there are fewer people who capitalize on them than you'd think.

The Captain's Entrance

Me leading the squad? That's a lazy but wise decision.