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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Hybrid between a Detonator, Converter, and Teleporter. Jack-of-all-trades.



(S+ at BT3)


+At BT3: Jack of all trades unit that synergizes incredibly well with most Converters

+Low CD teleport that syncs optimally with 2CD Converters

+Good slot value with decent damage and red tile output

+Consistent kit that leans on positioning rather than rng outcomes


-Wants BT3 to fuel her setups

-Loses potential red tiles when setting up Maggie

-Rather strict teleport range that can cause problems without another teleporter

-Intense competition in Fire’s teleportation niche


Carleen:Smouldering Soul (affectionately referred to as Carmoon or Carleen:SS) was an excellent addition to Fire’s roster on release and has only gotten better as the element’s roster has filled out. Despite having rather limited conversion, teleports, and damage compared to specialists in those niches, her strong synergies make her stand out.

For one, Carmoon’s ability to conserve stacks gives her a ton of flexibility, potentially allowing her to teleport up to 3 times a turn. Furthermore, some of Fire’s best converters (like Eicy, Lorelei, and Rinne) all greatly appreciate her combination of mobility and conversion. She’s also a rare teleporter that works well with other teleporters; for example, Carleen:SS, Smokey, and Maggie can guarantee full circles when paired with Lorelei or another teleporter.

Finally, Carleen: Smouldering Soul rewards proactive play, especially when paired with other low-CD teleports like Lilica. Together, these pairings can offer a significant utility plugging holes in tile chains on both off-turns and burst turns. Though her jack-of-all-trades nature keeps her from standing out in one particular area, overall she’s an incredible unit that can serve as the glue for many excellent team compositions.