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Ami Koshimizu

Tap on the Colossus Room

Lumopolis is ancient and stable, but the brightness of complacency makes the shadows grow longer.

Being too rational will cause you to lose touch with your emotions. I'm afraid that if Illumina goes too far down this path, they'll become heartless machines.

White Night up high, please shine a way forward.

Light and darkness do not mix; when one wanes, the other waxes.

As the City Lord, Schwartz's responsibility is so vast and complex that I'm afraid he must sometimes compromise.

Vice was just an unassuming student from a different nation back in the day; I never paid much attention to her when we were classmates. But her reputation may well exceed mine in the future.

Without public order, civilization will collapse, bringing with it a slew of far worse consequences than disasters.

What is frightening is not the lack of powerful ability, but the lack of responsibility and principles to match it. The two traits cannot exist without the other; otherwise, disaster is inevitable.

Perhaps one day, both Lumopolis and the Colossus will become a symbol of the Aurorians.

Interact with the Colossus Room

The Colossus' flying ability is indeed excellent, and if we were to use it to patrol the territory...

Change Assistant

I will guard this place as if it were Lumopolis, because the Colossus is your home, and we are partners.

Battle Failed

Better retreat than lose the battle.


Leading the troops to victory is a captain's responsibility.

Unleash Chain Combos

May the enemy vanish.

Mercy is unnecessary.

Active Skill is Ready

Ready to strike.

Enter the Formation

My lance belongs to you.

Aurorian Ascension I

Ignite the lance!

Aurorian Ascension II

The glory is ours.

Aurorian Ascension III

Light rests with the soul.


It's so relaxing... In between long journeys, I sometimes take a break, go into a trance, or recall my days patrolling Lumopolis.

Upgrade Successful

Be more radiant!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

I am honored to be here with you and hope that we can keep moving forward together in the coming year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I'm glad I ventured outside of Lumopolis. If I had been content with being the City Lord's daughter and only patrolling within Lumopolis, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered this side of myself.

It is futile to contemplate the good and evil of the sword because it is the hand that holds the sword that determines whether it is dangerous.

Astra should be jointly owned, managed, and built by all civilized races, which includes both the Aurorians and the Caelestites.

Act responsibly no matter how trivial the matter. Don't cross boundaries no matter how trivial the act.

There are times when strong willpower is enough to control one's own strength and change reality. This is the meaning of "mind over matter."

The road is long and difficult, but we must not give up. The path ahead is shrouded in fog, but we must keep our eyes clear.

Light can be used as a shield, such as that which Lumopolis possesses. Maybe one day, the light I have will become a shield to protect everyone, and you...

Bloodlines may determine one's power, but is it a measure of lowliness and nobleness? Does it give one the right to commandeer others? I think not.

I often wonder if we could have met earlier and if you were an Aurorian, how things would have turned out.

The mold known as decay has contaminated Lumopolis and cannot be expelled unless the source is found.

Lumopolis' future is the future of all Aurorians. Civilization, prosperity, abundance, and heritage have endured for thousands of years and will never perish.

The bloodline of heroes is important, but their decisions in times of crisis are more critical. Heroes' descendants may be cowards, while those of the nameless may be warriors.

I am honored to be here with you and hope that we can keep moving forward together in the coming year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

If you want to deal with government affairs, you must pull a thread from a ball of complex issues and follow it all the way through, and then you will find the mess untangled.

If you're blessed with a ray of sunlight shining on your bed when you wake up in the morning, you will be in a good mood all day.

You must be exhausted after a long day at work. How about a break by listening to classical music?

Working in the middle of the night with strawberry coconut milk cake creates a special atmosphere.

Spring Festival Voice

I am honored to be here with you and hope that we can keep moving forward together in the coming year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Carleen de Schwartz is here. There's no need to be concerned about me; Frost has not abandoned me. It is just that I have momentarily chosen Flame.

Receiving a gift

Thank you for your generosity.

I understand your good intentions.

Receiving a preferred gift

You understand me.

White Night up high, I'll never forget your gift.

Release Active Skill

May light shine on!

There are no shadows beneath the lance!


Attack to overcome.

Aurorian Trivia I

Lumina is amazing. I thought I could only control ice, never did I foresee myself wielding a flaming lance in battle.

Aurorian Trivia II

There is no elitism in one's blood, and thus using it to designate inferiority and superiority is absurd. Superiority is established naturally by those able to earn the public's trust.

Aurorian Trivia III

Sometimes in my dreams, darkness eclipses the light in everyone's eyes, yet I march onwards with a raised torch.

The Captain's Entrance

You made a wise choice.