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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Column Converter.



(S+/SS (T) at BT3)


+At BT3 (T): Tied with Nemesis for best tile output in Thunder

+Active Skill (Column Convert

+Tile Shift) can be useful to shift around tiles to your advantage


-Tile Shifting can often times be a detriment to set ups, forcing what could be good tile placement to being bad

-Terrible, terrible CD without BT3

-Damage output is underwhelming and unreliable compared to Carleen, Hedy, and Lorelei


Pollux is another Carleen clone, except... not really. Her breakthroughs are switched, for one. This is a huge deal, as both Carleen and Hedy really only saw play in total whale comps. While MBT still increases total tile output by 50% on most maps, BT3 is still incredibly powerful in the context of most F2P and dolphin teams. Notably, MBT does sync with MBT Florine, Reinhardt, and Irridon, enabling a full sync in thousand-dollar whale comps.

Is this excessive? Yes! Honestly, most players will be using her alongside MBT Nemesis. And, while that still means you’ll be getting insane Aurora Times every five turns, it’s honestly not much crazier than a standard Thunder set-up with Nemesis + two generic converters. It is important to note here that Pollux is significantly worse than Carleen and Hedy at DPSing, as her chain combo scales poorly and relies heavily on RNG. This isn't enough to knock her out of SS tier past BT3, but it's still something you'll feel in fights where burst matters.