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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Sniper with extremely powerful Enhanced Tile synergy.



(SS (T) or at MBT)


+T: Completely trivializes all 1x1 content, and scales hard enough to compete on 2x2.

+Minotaur State is a bundle of basically all the best effects in the game and takes his damage into the stratosphere.


-Entirely dependent on exceptional play and dolphin-tier team-comps to be better than other Forest snipers. New-player/F2P unfriendly.

-Damage output drops during boss fights that summon enemies consistently

-Average performance in stages that end in a few rounds (1TKO)


Minos is hard to evaluate in a vacuum, as much of his damage potential is gated behind either breakthroughs or proper team support. Minotaur state is absolutely silly, but it really only starts to outpace competition in Forest if you can get it online by turn three (i.e. before your second burst round). This means you’ll want other dolphin-tier units like BT3 Gabriel, BT3 Hiiro, and BT3 Paloma, or significant investment in Minos himself. This isn’t out of the realm of possibility for enfranchised players, but it’s enough to knock his general rating down.

All that said, Minos is unrivaled at what he does. With proper support, his only competition is Vice: Keen Sight and Giles. The differences between these three borderline broken Snipers are marginal; Giles has a lot more damage up front at the cost of total scaling, and Vice: Keen Sight doesn’t need support at the cost of slightly lower damage and a lot less flexibility. They’re all worth investment, but only after your Detonator-Converter cores are complete.